World's Hottest Doctor Is Too Hot For Patients To Take Her Seriously

If you thought walking around with the "world's hottest doctor" title hanging over your head made life easier, think again. Being too hot, no matter the profession, only complicates things.

Stacey Naito, a medical director at a rejuvenation center in Los Angeles, knows this all too well. She earned the "world's hottest doctor" title while competing in bodybuilding competitions and has had some run-ins throughout her professional career with patients because of her looks.

But this "Doctor by day, Fitness superhero by night," according to her Instagram bio - yes she's one of those doctors - is here to bash stereotypes.

"I consider the title of 'world's hottest doctor' an incredible honor," she said in an interview with The Sun. "And yes, I know that people don't expect doctors to be attractive or sexy, as if being a medical professional and being alluring are mutually exclusive."

While the hot doc doesn't consider herself to be glamorous, she does take pride in her personal appearance. Dr. Naito added, "Over the years, I have had some frustrating situations arise in which I have been criticized simply for being an attractive woman who is a physician."

"I have also had numerous patients express concern over my appearance, as if being attractive somehow diminishes my credibility as a doctor."

Now if you thought for a minute that patients not taking her seriously was going to change her approach, you've got another thing coming. She's not changing a thing.

Stacey Naito Is Planning To Give Up The World's Hottest Doctor Title

The doctor is still going to hit the gym and you better believe the spray tan and oil isn't going anywhere either.

So what that she looks good in a bikini and likes to use inspirational quotes as captions. Does that mean she can't perform her duties rejuvenating her patients?

I think we all know the answer to that. For those that don't, the doctor has a few more words of wisdom to bestow upon you on this Friday afternoon in December.

"There is a lot of criticism out there against professional people who choose to model, show off their physiques in bikinis or fitness outfits, and otherwise refuse to remain covered up and ultra conservative," she said.

"However, I refuse to cave in to such stereotypical mindsets, and am not afraid to fend off the harsh and unkind words of people who are that narrow-minded."

"The message I always strive to communicate to followers is that ANYONE can live an empowered life, and that by adopting healthy lifestyle habits, they can transform their bodies and their lives."

Too hot for her patients to take seriously? Dr. Naito is out here doctoring the body and the mind.

Set yourself up an office visit if you need some help physically, whether you know or it not, you just received some of her fine services for the mind.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.