Woman's Joyride Is Cut Short When Police Notice Her Pickup Truck Doesn't Have Any Front Tires, She Has An All-Time Meltdown & Is Arrested For DUI
Driving around in a vehicle missing a couple of tires is a bad idea. Doing so after having a few drinks is an even worse idea. Take it from this woman, who took a joyride in her pickup truck back in April without any front tires, after she "might have" had some drinks.
If you thought with all that going on that she would be more cooperative with police, you're in for a ride. After bringing her noisy truck to a stop, she can be seen on the officer's bodycam looking for something in the cab.

Woman arrested for DUI after being spotted driving around missing two tires. (Image Credit: Crime Scene Cam/YouTube)
When asked what she was looking for by the officer, the two go back-and-forth before arriving at the answer that she was looking for her insurance and registration.
She decides this is a good opportunity to hand out some advice to the officer and says, "don't be a dick." Now, if you're keeping score at home, you can go ahead and deduct a few more points for this move.
Not surprisingly, this was just the beginning of the point deductions for the woman, who is reportedly a teacher. She's not only riding around in a pickup truck missing two tires, she claims there's nothing wrong with the tires.
When asked what happened to the tires, she responds with, "there's nothing wrong with my tires." She then repeatedly insisting that there's nothing wrong with her tires before denying that she hit anything on her trip from her boss' house.
This Is The Complete Guide On What Not To Do During A DUI Arrest
It's at this point that the officer asked her to step out of the vehicle so he could check on her sobriety. Not a chance she was stepping out on her own. She wanted to know what she had done wrong.
It wasn't the fact that her truck was missing tires, because according to her the tireless rims "obviously" had tires on them. When she refused to exit the pickup, officers assisted her.
This triggered an all-time meltdown complete with screaming on the level of the protestor who had a hard time wrapping her mind around the fact that Trump had been elected president.
Officers were eventually able wrestle her into the back of one of their vehicles. She was hit with several charges. In addition to DUI, she was also charged with battery, resisting with violence, and driving on an expired license.
Unfortunately, we may never find out what happened to her tires. The woman isn't telling and without an eyewitness or some video evidence it's likely to remain a mystery.