True Romance: Woman Is Into Her Friend's Son, Single Woman Dates Married Men & Man's GF Wants A Throuple
Welcome back to another edition of True Romance with SeanJo. I hope everyone has fully recovered from the extended Fourth of July weekend and is ready to go on a little trip.
This week we can get back to the normal routines we put aside last week to properly enjoy the holiday. Get those candles going and throw on some slow jazz.
For those who consume the best in romance week in and week out from the comfort of their bathtubs, go ahead and turn the water on with the lights turned down low. We're going to get a little messy this week.

Send me those true romance stories. I want to hear from you. Whether it's stories, comments, or questions, send them my way, and we'll unpack them.
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Batting lead-off this week is a woman who has developed romantic feelings for her friend's adult son. She isn't sure how to proceed and is worried that it will hurt her friendship with her friend.
This is a tough spot. Let's take a look at what she's got going on.
Woman has romantic feelings for friend's adult son
A 33-year-old woman says she's been having romantic feelings for her 43-year-old friend's 25-year-old son, and she's conflicted about what to do with those feelings.
She explains, "I've been having romantic feelings for him and he's so good with my son(7M). I'm not sure what I should do. I don't want to damage my friendship with his mom. And I'm afraid to love again after being blindsided and dumped by my lover 2 years ago."
The woman has been able, for the most part, to keep her feelings towards him bottled up and pushed way down like every healthy adult does. But things changed recently and she's gone to a place that has her wisely reaching out for help on Reddit.

Woman has romantic feelings for her friend's adult son. (Image Credit: Getty)
"Everything was fine until the other night when I went into his room (he lives with me) to ask for a smoke and noticed he was covered up in his blanket not wearing any clothes so I turned away and he said 'Well, you've seen one before, you have your son' and I said 'just because I've seen one before doesn't mean I want to see all of them,'" she continued. "And he kind of laughed."
That was all it took for this hopeless romantic. She's now daydreaming about a future with him, and she's probably scribbling out her first name with his last name as we speak.
"But now I've been having day dreams of us being married and having a child of our own," she admitted. "I'm a very romantic person but when my lover left me 2 years ago, it crushed me and I'm afraid to love anybody. Also, I really don't want to lose my friendship with my friend (his mom). What should I do?"
The relationship experts on Reddit are telling her not to do anything. Keep those feelings stuffed down and keep moving forward. That's easier said than done.
If I know anything, it's that the heart wants what the heart wants. She's living with him in some bizarre arrangement already. It's only a matter of time before romance comes calling, and she answers that call.
We all know how it's going to end, but like a car crash we can't look away. Spoiler alert, it's going to play out exactly how her daydreams have been. Best of luck as her friend slowly morphs into her mother-in-law and grandmother to the children they have together.
Single woman dates married men
Now that we have that fairy tale out of the way, let's take a look at a single woman who has been dating married men for 14 years now. Don't you dare call her a homewrecker. That's not at all what she is.
From what I gather, the 52-year-old who has met up with more than 150 married men over the years, is a person with a lot of love to share. She knows what married men want and that's a "desire to please and feel wanted."
She knows all about that, having lived through a miserable marriage of her own. So she took her talents to a website designed for encounters with married men and got to work, but don't get the wrong idea. She's not out sleeping with all of these men.

A single woman has been dating married men for 14 years. (Image Credit: Getty)
She's only been with four of them, but she's been in some long-term relationships during her almost decade and a half run. The relationships have lasted anywhere from eight months to five years.
"I only become intimate with men I have feelings for. It’s important to compartmentalize these relationships," she said according to the Daily Star.
"They’ll never be mine, but we meet up weekly when life allows - it’s surprisingly easy to escape for hours at a time if you want to - there’s always ‘friends to meet up with’ or ‘working late.'"
The woman added, "I appreciate married men. They have a desire to please and feel wanted, desired and young. And it means I retain my independence."
"I don’t see myself as a marriage wrecker. Some of the men I’ve met, I’ve talked them through their marriage problems, and they’ve gone away determined to make it work."
Some married men just can't be saved. She's come to the realization that "life is not a fairy tale" and "adultery is as old as time" after believing years ago that she wouldn't cheat with someone.
Now this is a woman who gets it. There's an arrangement where she doesn't have to get stuck in a loveless marriage, and she can be someone who helps those who are.
It's selfless, it's a thing of beauty, it's true romance.
Man's girlfriend wants to add her best friend to their relationship
Speaking of true romance. Here's another powerful example of what choosing to keep your heart open at all times can do. Although I'm afraid this gift is going to be squandered.
A 28-year-old man explains that he's been with his 29-year-old girlfriend for 10 years. She's recently brought up the idea of getting into a polygamous relationship with her 30-year-old best friend.
This isn't exactly an idea thrown out from left field. They've involved her best friend in some of their activities before.

Man's girlfriend wants to add her best friend to their relationship. (Image Credit: Getty)
"We’ve had the occasional threesomes and even had nights of when it was just me and her on request and permission of my girlfriend," he explained.
"But never a ‘throuple’ but I never thought about it as a viable long-term relationship because I feel like I could not give her best friend the same attention and affection like I do for my girlfriend now and that it would just lead to problems and those few times were simply me being a friend doing her a favor and nothing really more."
He's just a guy doing a favor for his girlfriend's best friend, a true giver. A throuple is a whole different story in his mind. Plus, he feels like this isn't entirely his girlfriend's idea.
He thinks that his girlfriend's best friend is the one pushing for this. She seems to be into him more than he is into her and the friend pays more attention to him than she does his girlfriend. He sees these as red flags and is hesitant about how to proceed.
He said, "I’m not sure how to go about this and if I should say yes or just say no but I don’t want to hurt her feelings and cause some sort of problem for my girlfriend’s friendship with her best friend."
I've got some news for this guy. The friendship is already over. If the red flags are accurate, then she's simply trying to involve herself in his relationship with his girlfriend.
That leaves only one possible solution to the problem. You accept defeat, fall on your sword, and you say yes. You make the most out of a bad situation until your girlfriend and her best friend's friendship runs its course.
It's not what you wanted, but you're taking one for the team here to open your girlfriend's eyes to what's really going on. Remember you didn’t ask for any of it.
That's plenty of romance for one week. I'll see you next Thursday. In the meantime, send over your stories of true romance, your comments, or your questions to