Winnie Cooper IS BACK With A Christmas Movie, Martha Stewart's Pie & The Lions Are Trash During Waxing Gibbous Moon Phase
Let's dump out these emails to get Thanksgiving rolling because you have nothing else to do right now -- read!
• Hunter emailed at 6:38 a.m. EST this morning:
I hesitated on emailing you this early, but then remembered your current sleep situation, so no need to wait. Btw, my sleep cycle seems to depend on the time of year. This time of year when I’m getting up early to hunt a lot it’s not uncommon for me to wake up wide awake at 430-5 even if I don’t have an alarm set that morning. I wouldn’t be super worried about it. It could just be the time change too like another emailer stated.
On to the reason for my email.
As I was putting a couple turkeys on the smoker (yes I know I’m a cheater and use a pellet smoker or as my buddies call it an outdoor easy bake oven) it occurred to me to ask Screencaps Nation where they land on a hotly debated topic that has went on in a group text with same said buddies.
Where does SN land on cleaning grill grates? Some of our group says if you’re not cleaning them you’re disgusting, some are in the every-once-in-a-while camp, and some (me included) say that’s where all the flavor is and if it needs to burn off it will, leave them alone.
Hope you and your family have an absolutely wonderful Thanksgiving. Thanks for all that you do!
Never hesitate to send an email no matter the time. I'm working at 6 a.m. six days a week. I will see it. Just don't send SMS messages to my phone. That gets weird.
Are you guys pro-cleaning the grates or leave it on there for flavor?
• Bo T. emailed at 7:01 a.m. this morning:
Joe, up early this Thanksgiving Day waiting for the sunrise. In the Army we called this “stand to”, with everyone on 100% alert. This dates back to pre-Revolutionary War days because dawn “was when the French and Indians attack”. Haven’t seen either yet this morning.
Your early rising is probably a combo of aging and the daylight savings time change. Embrace it and enjoy the peace and quiet..nothing better.
Saw this in the WSJ this morning..another assault on America’s favorite pastime..area beautification
They can take my gas-powered yard tools when they pry them from my cold dead hands.
Thanks for what you do, it’s pretty amazing. Big Thanks to those who aren’t home today, away from friends and family protecting this great nation.

• Mike T. in Eagle, Idaho writes:
Have a safe and fun Thanksgiving

Mike, I might have to fire up the mower today because I'm up against the weather right now. Sunday is typically my final day to pick up leaves, but we're expecting a dusting of snow. The city's final leaf pickup starts Monday which means if I wait until Monday, I could be playing with fire if the leaf truck starts with our street.
That puts me in a tough spot today. It's Thanksgiving, but there are responsibilities. It's going to be 50 and sunny. It's going to be an outside day until dinner.
Go Bucks!
• Michael M. writes:
After Mom passed, we were going through the boxes and came across this picture of Dad during WWII. He remembered it as if were yesterday.
Our Dad is on the far right. Near St. Merge Eglise, France July 1944.
Dad passed away in 2010 at the age of 94. That second picture is Dad, Woody Hayes & me in 1979 at the Houston TD Club Meeting. Dad graduated from Ohio State in 1938 & he & Coach Hayes had several common friends.
Happy Thanksgiving and
Go Bucks!

Kyle Brandt needs to learn the powers of Yacht Rock, Patio SZN, TNML & Garage Beers
Kyle turns 45 in January.
This is the voice of a guy who has all the intangibles to end up a great member of the Thursday Night Mowing League.
I'm prescribing a healthy shot of Yacht Rock and Patio SZN to Kyle in 2024.
I see a guy who wants to sit on the patio listening to the birds chirp away. I see a guy who needs to leave his garage door open, which tells guys driving by that he's just hanging out and you're welcome to stop for a garage beer.
That means like one or two beers MAX.
If you're stopping at a guy's house for a garage beer, make sure you can read the room. You're going in for ONE beer. If Sam says to have one more, oblige, but make sure to tell him you have to get the smoker started for dinner. After two beers, Sam will have satisfied his need for shooting the shit with another male.
You leave.
Sam goes back to doing whatever he does with his free time. You do the same.
What Kyle is actually saying in this video is that he wants relaxed relationships with friends, not where he feels like he always has to be on and bragging about his latest career conquest. It sounds like he needs friend diversification. He needs a diesel mechanic buddy. He needs a guy selling real estate. He needs a buddy in his late 60s who retired from the military and then started a tree-trimming service.
Kyle's problem, from the way it sounds, is that he has too many suburban Chad and Brad friends who all have the same hair, drive the same SUVs, have the same 4,000 sq. ft. suburban houses, all vacation at the same VRBOs, etc.
There isn't a psychologist out there who can help men like I can help men with America's Best Daily Column, as named by the readers.
When you sit down at the Thanksgiving dinner table and you get the vibes that your brother-in-law is miserable, text him this column.
Help other men this holiday season.
Are you still friends with the circle of friends you had in high school?
• Christian A. in California writes:
One of my best friends from high school died suddenly recently (I'm unaware of his vax status) and the funeral was this weekend. He and I remained friends the last 30 years along with a number of others. We went to a small private school and that may play a factor.
At the funeral, I'd say almost 30 percent of our graduating class showed up along with some from the class ahead of us and below us. It says a lot about my friend that, all these years later, classmates would actually fly in for a funeral.
I know Facebook has helped but prior to Zuck's platform, there was still a group of nearly two dozen or more high school friends that got together regularly.
My question: Is this normal for others?
How many people are still friends with their circle from high school twenty, thirty years down the line?
Working off of the Kyle Brandt rant and now this, I think this group of readers will have some thoughts on all of this.
Here are the numbers that Pew Research released in October.

NASA sunrises
• Douglas J. writes:
Happy Thanksgiving to you and Screencaps Nation. I hope the Lions win today and everyone has a wonderful time with food, family, and football. What an amazing American Holiday!
I had to dig this sunrise photo out for everyone. I took it on 21 Sep 2012 when I was stationed at Edward's AFB in CA. This was right before Endeavour's last flight from Edward's to LAX on back of the highly modified NASA 747.

Again, I'm not going to go asking Douglas J. about his clearance level or if he pilots Air Force One. I'm just going to sit here welcoming his content. It's awesome.
Melatonin Pill Pusher Travel Ball Hardo Chris B. in Houston would like a word with me
• Chris B. writes:
Simmer down Mr. Screencaps. You say 'pushing pills' like I'm a cartel drug dealer. I told you our issues are different and shared a natural sleep aid that helps me. Don't be so dramatic. One more thing I'll share... even when I take melatonin I wake up at 4am to pee, and have a hard time going back to sleep. Listening to something that makes me not think helps my brain go back to sleep, and listening to sports talk radio is my preference. I often listen to your Fox brethren Lavar, Brady & Jonas when they come on at 5.
Also... you just made me look up LED toilet light. Weird. And I guess Aaron in Lisbon home schools his kids?
Aaron in Lisbon, WI, who made that wild drive to Anna Maria Island, Florida this week, wrote back saying he yanks his kids out of school for a week after Thanksgiving so they can experience one more run at beautiful weather before hunkering down for a suburban Milwaukee winter.
• Tim in Texas City, Texas writes:
I can confirm melatonin will absolutely put you away at night. I've taken it for years. Another thing to note (at least for me) is that it causes very awesome, vivid, memorable dreams.
Enormous 'sunspot archipelago' 15 times wider than Earth could soon bombard us with solar flares
• Jack V. knows how to get Beau in Toledo's attention on Thanksgiving morning:
Happy Thanksgiving Joe:
Thought I would send this on for the northern light fans
Could be some great viewing in the near future.
Beats a sunset all day and twice on Sunday!
Fire pits instead of sunsets
• Adam D. in Manhattan, Kansas writes:
Thought we could change the photo game up with pictures of fire pits. Took this one tonight with the family roasting marshmallows. Look this group! Happy Thanksgiving all!

I'm sorry, Adam, but full credit for fire pit content goes to Mike T. in Idaho.
I can hear Todd Z. right now -- "This is worse than sunsets!"
And he'd be right. I don't want to agree with Todd Z. and his gang, but I have to.
Look, a firepit photo is a firepit photo until you make it something other than a firepit photo. You have to be like Mike T.
• Burn a Christmas tree
• Create some sort of unique content angle like working in background content around the firepit
• The firepit has to be in some beautiful location where readers feel jealous. I'm talking a firepit over a beautiful lake like where Indy Daryl would be hiking.
• Outdoor fireplaces like what Eddie from Acworth will get the attention of readers
• Position a charcuterie meat board in front of the fire
• Even better, cook meat over the we're talking!
That's it for this Thanksgiving morning. The sun is out. The leaves from this massive tree over our patio are raining down. I'm up against incoming weather. The leaf crew is chomping at the bit to finish their season. There's football to watch. Pie to eat. A bird to cook. And a recliner that will eventually have my name on it.
Let's get after it today. Enjoy your day.
Happy Thanksgiving!