White House Journalist Natalie Winters Fires Back As Vicious Lib Media Mob Attacks

White House correspondent Natalie Winters must be doing something right because she found herself on the Screencaps radar and under the microscope of the crazies melting down over Donald Trump's second term simultaneously.

That's pure talent and an accomplishment that very few can pull off. The 23-year-old journalist has also been labeled a "controversial figure" even before arriving in Washington and has been called every kind of "phobic" under the sun.

The attacks on Winters are just getting started. They went after her for a misspelling in a tweet announcing that she was "Officially a White House correspondent."

She brushed it off, shoved a couple of dorks into lockers, made fun of the misspelling herself, and kept it moving. I can assure you that nobody with a functioning brain cared at all about the spelling of the word correspondent.


As moronic as those going after her for the mistake are, they've now decided to turn their attention towards Winters' appearance. No, I'm not kidding.

The attractive blonde shared a post from her first day on the job and, according to the Daily Mail, she was slammed for her "inappropriate outfits."

White House correspondent Natalie Winters is under attack for being too hot

The outlet dug through the post's comment section and found a few miserable libs that didn’t like Ms. Winters' attire.

Imagine, one, taking the time to leave these comments, and two, to spend even a second searching for them. Here's what they found.

A person having a difficult time coping wrote, "Could you at least dress more modestly? This isn't high school, it's a PROFESSIONAL and highly privileged position to be in."

Another of these unhappy folks added, "Terrific but rethink the skirt and sneakers. C'mon you can't be that dense."

"How about not dress like a high school intern?!" a third added.

"Not the classic white dad new balances," wrote another.

"That outfit is… a choice. But go off sis lmao," another commented.

And yet another of the miserable crew said, "Maybe dress the part?"

Blah. Blah. Blah.

If they thought they were going to reduce the firecracker of a White House correspondent to a puddle of hurt feelings they couldn’t have been more wrong.

Natalie Winters doesn’t need a safe space or coloring books. She took the insults as a green light to fire back and that's exactly what she did, while wearing the fact that she was attacked for being hot as a badge of honor.

Man. Now we're having some fun, aren’t we?

They've tossed around the insults, came at her for a spelling mistake, and are going after her for being hot. Talk about arriving on the scene.

Go after Winters at your own risk. She's not backing down, and I'd be shocked and disappointed if she let these losers change the way she dresses.

I don’t think it's going to happen. I think we're in for a solid run of outfits designed to get under the skin of these lunatics.

Buckle up!

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.