What Should You Do If Your Family Is Kidnapped Facing Execution? Cringe Influencer Says Work Harder
There's an epidemic of cringe influencers these days, and Andy Elliott's right near the top of the list thanks to his idiotic kidnapping hypotheticals.
Everyone with access to the internet knows there is a never-ending shortage of dumb content online. Some of it can be funny, but overall, anyone who gets on Instagram knows some people should have their access to the internet cut.
For reasons I will never understand, there's an entire industry of life coaches, motivational speakers and hardo influencers routinely going viral for preaching advice on how to dominate life. However, the advice is often unbelievably stupid. People are paying these influencers for advice that I would immediately discard.
Well, Andy Elliott might take the crown when it comes to being the king of cringe.
Andy Elliott wants you to work harder if your family is facing imminent execution.
I saw my first Andy Elliott video not that long ago, and I remember having to stop myself from busting out laughing. The man loves to wear a tight shirt and try to amp people up so they're better salesmen. It seems to be working for him because he has 870,000 followers on Instagram and more than 363,000 on TikTok. The man is a hustler.
He also has some of the most clownish advice I've ever heard in my life. Last night while enjoying some tacos and a TV show I'm not at liberty to discuss just yet, I stumbled across him suggesting people should work harder if their entire family was kidnapped and facing execution.
"If someone right now - just to give you an example - kidnapped your family and said they were going to kill them unless you tripled production or revenue in your company, you'd fucking do it in heartbeat. Why does someone have to kidnap them? Why does that even need to happen? You know why? Because until you put your back against your wall, you don't even play to 20% of your potential," the hardo influencer claimed.
You can give it a watch below, and let me know your thoughts at David.Hookstead@outkick.com.
There's also at least one other video online of him doing the exact same shtick about kidnapped families and motivation.
In case you're wondering, the comments on these videos are full of people just roasting the hell out of him. That gives me some hope that maybe society isn't completely lost.
To be crystal clear, if someone kidnapped my entire family and threatened to kill them unless OutKick tripled production, I have to be honest when I say that wouldn't even be a consideration. I love OutKick. This is a juggernaut, but focusing on work during a kidnapping situation? What the hell are we even talking about?
My checklist in the event of a kidnapping and execution scenario is very short and it's below:
What do we think is more useful in the event of a kidnapping, Andy? Selling more cars or commandos busting through the back door and painting walls?
Move those Hondas, Andy! I'll take the shooters every single time.
Hmmmm, that's a tough one! I'm just not sure what would be better. FBI HRT coming in blasting or me tripling production at OutKick? Yeah, that's a tough one.
I'm not really sure which I'd prefer. Gunfighters or work? A truly impossible choice. You're a clown if you take this advice from Elliott seriously. While his fans are going to be busy selling cars to save their families, the rest of us will have helicopters being fueled up for a DA hit like it's 2005 in Iraq.
I can't even make this stuff up. This guy just recently posted about being ready for war. Is there anyone you would want by you less than a guy with the wrong shirt size and irrational thoughts?
I am begging the internet to stop with the cringe influencing. We need a complete and total shutdown of this nonsense until we can figure out what the hell is going on. When videos about kidnapped families are blowing up, then we've gone way too far. Seriously, just call the police, and if you have friends like mine, call them next. Don't listen to any of the stupid advice freely available online.