We'll Never Forget Todd Beamer, Orio Palmer & The Heroes Of 9-11
We cannot let future generations forget the good in people in the face of evil & despair
It's time to dial things back today as we remember the 20th anniversary of such a horrible day in the history of this country that turned ordinary citizens -- and animals! -- into heroes who stood up to an unimaginable challenge. I didn't want to get up this morning and rehash buildings blowing up and crashing to the ground.
The goal for today's Screencaps is to reflect on the good in people when faced with such circumstances as they faced on September 11.
So we look back, but we also look forward. Watching 9-11 documentaries on National Geographic Friday night, one thing that struck me was how those who survived the Twin Towers keep mentioning how they have to keep moving forward in life. Yes, the memories are there, but life has to go on.
That said, the bravery on display that day is to never be forgotten. Guys like Todd Beamer. Or Orio Palmer, the firefighter heard over the radio reaching the 78th floor of the South Tower before it collapsed on the 45-year-old Palmer.
Orio was a triathlon guy. He'd trained his body to go up and reach those people who were trapped. The FDNY's physical fitness award is now named in his honor.
Excuse me for not having the perfect intro to today's post. The photos and videos speak for themselves. Have a great day enjoying football and life.

(Photo by: Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)

(Photo by Ron Agam/Getty Images)

(Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)

(Photo by Anthony Correia/Getty Images)

(Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images)

SHANKSVILLE, PA (Photo by Jeff Swensen/Getty Images)

SHANKSVILLE, PA (Photo by Jeff Swensen/Getty Images)