Was Future VP Aaron Rodgers At An Ayahuasca Retreat When The RFK Jr. News Broke?

While everyone is freaking out because Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is apparently considering Aaron Rodgers to be his running mate for PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, you know what the New York Jets' QB was doing?

Not freaking out. Calm, cool, collected, and – potentially – on a little Ayahuasca

That's how our future Hall of Famer/VP handles times of crisis, baby. 

The internet goes nuts and starts burning the place down. Aaron Rodgers, meanwhile, heads to Costa Rica and clears his noggin for a big VP run. 

Chess, not checkers. That's why he's an MVP and Super Bowl champ. 

Pat McAfee dishes on Aaron Rodgers as VP speculation soars 

Of course, all of this is kinda-sorta speculation. 

Rodgers was recently in Costa Rica, along with several other NFLers, at a place called Behold Retreats. 

We know this for two reasons. 

1) New Miami Dolphin Jordan Poyer is one of the players there, and he shared a picture of a roundtable during the retreat. Aaron Rodgers is at the table. 

Poyer also shared a couple videos from the retreat, one of which describes it as an Ayahuasca Retreat.

Another one shows Aaron Rodgers yucking it up in the pool. I'd love to share these directly here, but Jordan's Instagram doesn't allow that. So, here's the link

Those videos, along with the picture, were shared by Poyer on his Instagram account yesterday. 

2) Aaron Rodgers' good buddy, Pat McAfee (ever heard of him?), broke the news on his show today that a source told him Rodgers was in Costa Rica when the news leaked yesterday that he was being considered for the RFK Jr. ticket. 

McAfee also said that the timing of the news may have caught Aaron off guard. 

Incredible content here. I can't get enough of it. 

Please, PLEASE, let this happen. There would be no bigger story in 2024 than New York Jets QB Aaron Rodgers leaving the team after playing just four snaps for them last season to be on the RFK Jr. presidential ticket. 

Imagine the shirts! RFK-Rodgers '24. Sales would be astronomical. It would break the internet. 

Frankly, it's why I don't think it's completely out of the realm of possibility that it happens. Don't know if you've heard, but Aaron Rodgers loves the spotlight. Imagine this bombshell. He'd be on every single news outlet in the country for the next eight months. 

Not to mention the endless That's so Jets jokes we'd get for the rest of time. Win-win. 

By the way, for those looking for a possible vacation spot this summer, the Behold Retreats Costa Rica location sounds like one hell of a spot. 

The website calls it a 6 night, all-inclusive ayahuasca Retreat with a small group (7-10 person max) of thoroughly-vetted guests, and offers the following amenities:

-3 Ayahuasca Ceremonies

-Daily Movement &Meditation

-Poolside Yoga

-High Quality Accommodation

-Massage & Spa Treatments

-Safety Screening

-Beautiful Tropical Scenery

-Highly Trained Support Team

-High Vibrational Meals & Nourishment

-Physical & Digital Detox (Wifi if needed)

-Travel & Planning Assistance

-Pre Retreat Dietary Protocol

-Complimentary Airport Shuttles

-Unwavering Support

All of that for a measly $7,600 (per person). 

Who's in?

Written by
Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.