Veronica Bielik Credits Intermittent Fasting For Changing Her Life, Mexican Soccer Fans Fight Each Other & Oral Roberts Jello Shots

Well, that was an interesting night

Let me start by saying I only got half the yard mowed on league night as I was surrounded on all sides with thunder. Then Mrs. Screencaps and I headed north to the Michigan line where we ran into this at my in-laws.

This is the exit my wife uses to go to her parents' house. I've driven this intersection thousands of times. Last night, things were very different in the 'hood along the Ottawa River, which dumps into Lake Erie.

We pull up to get the kids and that's when we learned about the hail that had pounded the area. We're talking the biggest hail I'd seen in my life by like 100X. The hail on the right is after around 30 minutes of melting in 75+ degree temperatures.


The good news: There was only minor damage to the front of their house from incoming baseball (those were nearing softball size) hail. The cars were slightly dinged up.

Yes, I'm crediting mowing for keeping us out of danger. That's the power of the league.

Songs that should be banned from being played in public

• Randy L. writes:

Over Memorial Day weekend as I was sitting in the stands watching YOUR Reds almost no-hit MY Cubs compliments of the dominant pitching performance by Hunter Greene, the conversation inevitably lead to where it does when I am with Steve O at Wrigley as YMCA starts over the P.A. system. 

For the past five or six seasons that song always strikes a debate between us of songs that should be 'on the list'. It is our contention that YMCA should NEVER be played in public again alongside any song that makes the 20-something females crowd yell 'woo!' An example, 'Don't Stop Believin' (lookin' at you White Sox fans) should be on the list. That list just keeps growing.

The question to the 'Caps community, what songs would be on your 'List'?


Can't say I think about banning songs in public places very often, but I can say when "Red Red Wine" by UB40 pops up on the "80s, 90s & Today" station I want to punch a hole in the car radio.

I'm pretty sure I've written about this phenomenon before. Are there suburban women sitting in their cars jonesing for "Red Red Wine?" I need iHeart's algorithm to explain itself. I get that the song hit No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1988, but that doesn't mean it needs to be played once an hour these days.

Mix it up a little bit, iHeart algo.

Spoiler: Nobody said Bud Light

Mark P. is ready for a Reds summit now that I'm fully committed to catching at least one game

Appreciate the first-round offer but I will be the one buying because of the daily quality entertainment and information you provide; just a simple thank you.

The Reds have surpassed even my expectations and damn are they fun to watch and it has been a long time since I have been able to say that!  I hope the GM keeps the rookies up and playing and stashes the veterans in the minors until needed or as needed but i am sure that will be difficult to do.   At the very least '24 and '25 looks like great years to be Reds fans again!

More intel on IG embed issues

• Clay W. in Columbus writes:

Just a tip. Firefox Browser, mobile and desktop, works perfectly for screencaps and IG images.

As much as I use Safari there are a number of sites that cannot deal properly with it especially ones with fill-in forms etc. The “submit” buttons never seem to work.

Love your work. Keep it up.


Maybe that will be of some use to some of you. Or not. And remember, I'm not expecting you to change a damn thing because of OutKick. I give you the option. If you don't want to use a workaround until the Fox News Corp. developers figure out a solution, I'm not here to stop you.

Personal putting green and the 10U all-star game

• Jim M. writes:

Joe, the dude asking about a installing a putting green. Real or synthetic....100% synthetic . Ask yourself 1 question... Do I know anything about a reel mower? U need a reel mower to cut grass that low.  Very expensive and a lot of upkeep.  I could build a real putting green in my backyard rt now for $1 to 2 grand....if synthetic cost me $20,000, I would gladly pay the $20 g's .....think of future maintenance!  

I've seen some guys in the TNML league that have reel mowers. That's great for once per week...... but a green on a golf course is cut 5, 6, 7 days per week depending on circumstances...too much maintenance for a real green In the backyard... especially with the advanced synthetic turf out now...


Great article about the travel ball crap and that exploited kid.....I got a question about how your all stars will go... All travel kids or are house kids gonna play??? When I coached house ball , AAU just started, but the asshole parents expected everything especially when it came to all stars and their kids had to start and play the whole game. 

Just wondering how it's handled now.

And to give u a heads up about all-star v travel

It sucked when AAU started in my town


Here's the beauty of the all-star game around here: It's one game. 22 kids get together for a game on a Saturday morning to celebrate their success. That's it. Then the parents get to go on with their weekend. Then the league tournament is played the week AFTER everyone gets back from July 4 vacation. And that's it. Unless something changes and teams need a player, my son will play somewhere around 20 games this summer.

It's been the perfect balance of being busy, yet having weekends off.

Speaking of which, this weekend is WIDE open for mulching, pool time, U.S. Open on the patio TV, maybe some home run derby at the park on Sunday.

And with that, we're ready to roll. Enjoy Father's Day weekend to the fullest. Remember: Don't let your wife turn your weekend into a 'Likes' click farm. Tell her you just want to chill out with the kids. Tell her the U.S. Open is on and you just want to relax with the family and that you don't need a Facebook photoshoot.

Have a great one.


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Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.