Vegas Man Shares Chilling Details About Alleged Encounter With Aliens
More details have emerged about an alleged UFO crash involving aliens in Las Vegas at the end of April.
Stunning police body camera footage and 911 audio was recently released showing cops responding to a report of massive creatures being spotted following an alleged crash shortly before midnight on April 30.
In the body camera footage, an officer admits his partner also saw something fall out of the sky. In the 911 audio, a male caller describes seeing massive creatures in his backyard.
While most claims of this nature would be laughed off, police cameras did pick something up just moments before the 911 call came in.
Now, the man who called police, whose identity has not been revealed, has released a video breaking down what allegedly happened. It's absolutely nuts if he's telling the truth. That's a huge *IF* but his claims are terrifying.
Man breaks down alleged alien sighting in Las Vegas.
"I hear something fall from the sky. I turn around. The only thing I see is a big light falling from the sky, and moments later I feel a big impact and a bang," the man claimed in a YouTube video that has gone mega-viral in the past day.
In his explanation video, he also shared ring camera footage where you can clearly hear a massive bang and see a bright light.

Are aliens real? (Credit: Getty Images)
"When that happened, the only thing I can see in the backyard is a tall creature. Probably around eight, ten feet tall. Very thin. So, I call my dad. He went to backyard, and he saw the same creature I saw. He told me to go inside the house. At this point, we're all freaking out me and my family," he further added.
He also shared video of people appearing to panic, and he described having an experience similar to sleep paralysis after sighting the creature. You can watch his entire breakdown of the situation below. It's nutty to say the least.
Are there reasons to be skeptical?
His story about aliens being in his backyard is without a doubt one of the most shocking UFO stories we've ever heard.
It's unbelievable, and the most stunning part is even the police admit seeing something fall out of the sky. An 8 News NOW report claims the belief is something definitely crashed.
The question is what crashed? What caused the bang? As you can see in the ring camera, something made a very loud noise. Police are taking it seriously enough to investigate.
However, could this be an elaborate hoax? It's possibly. You can't rule anything out. The biggest red flag is the lack of photos. There are photos of a circle on the ground and there's video where you hear the bang and see the police investigating. There's also video of people panicking.
Yet, there's no photos of these creatures. Why is that? That's a big red flag. The man claims he felt like he had sleep paralysis after seeing the aliens. Interesting claim. Could it be true? Sure, but this whole story would be bulletproof with some photos. The man and the police don't have that, which leaves the door wide open for speculation.

Did aliens crash in Las Vegas? (Credit: Getty Images)
What do you think happened? Let us know in the comments below. We'll definitely continue to keep everyone updated her at OutKick.