Twitch Streamer Harassed During Livestream For Wearing A Bikini At The Beach
The days of Twitch streaming being strictly gamers livestreaming their favorite video games from the comfort of their parents' basements are long gone. Those streams still exist, but the platform has expanded into all sorts of categories.
Some of those categories involve venturing out into the wild. When that happens there's no telling what will happen. A simple livestream while while hanging out at the beach can quickly go off the rails. That's exactly what happened to Twitch streamer TheNicoleT.

Twitch streamer harassed for wearing a bikini to the beach (Image Credit: TheNicoleT/Instagram)
Nicole was hanging on the beach, in a bikini as one does at the beach, when a group of young ladies approached her. They apparently weren't fans of hers and decided to voice their opinion during her livestream.
According to the women, Nicole was "shaking her ass" on the beach and running families with kids off with her attire. She kept the livestream rolling as smiled and listened to the their complaints.
A couple of guys nearby, who had no issue with her bikini stream at the beach, are heard doing their best to defend the streamer. The good Samaritans' attempts to calm the situation down failed.
The young ladies were having none of it. One of them started lecturing Nicole about self morals and self respect before knocking her camera over and walking away.
Nicole, who was thankful for the "old horn dogs" that stood up for her, described the situation in the caption of the video she shared on Instagram. She said, "I was simply relaxing on the beach by myself, no where near children and definitely not shaking anything."
"They targeted me from the moment I walked onto the beach asking if I was live on twitch."
TheNicoleT Is A Veteran Of The Livestream, This Isn't Going To Slow Her Down
Imagine for a minute going to the beach and getting upset that there was someone there wearing a bikini. What planet are these people from?
So she's livestreaming. Who cares? The two guys closest to her didn't seem to mind. In fact, they were defending her right to hangout at the beach in a bikini.
A crazy concept, I know. This is what happens when you spend a couple of years rewarding people for telling others what to do.
Now instead of seeing something they don't like and moving along, we've got the insane trying to tell someone they can't wear a bikini at the beach. Good luck with that.