The Libs Are Coming For Mary Lou Retton

From America's Sweetheart to the libs enemy list.

That's where American hero gymnast Mary Lou Retton, who turns 56 on Tuesday, finds herself after facing death in the fall after battling what her family is calling a rare form of pneumonia. When the public first found out about Mary Lou's battle, it was also revealed by her daughters that their mother was uninsured.

At that time, the libs, who have no problem with hundreds of thousands of uninsured illegals pouring over the Mexican border, were livid. How dare Mary Lou not have insurance, they screamed on social media.

Now that Mary Lou has survived and appears ready to get on with life, albeit with an oxygen tank and looking like she's in her mid-60s, the libs want blood and they appear ready to destroy the gold medalist darling because her family won't disclose what they did with financial donations that were sent to Mary Lou to pay for her medical bills.

On January 8, super lib USA Today columnist Christine Brennan went on the attack in a column titled, "Months after hospitalization, Mary Lou Retton won't answer basic questions about health care, donations."

Brennan wants an accounting of the $459,324 that was raised for Mary Lou.

"Asked in several text messages and a voicemail on Monday about her lack of health insurance until recently, her financial situation and why she refuses to divulge where she was hospitalized or the name of her doctor(s) more than two months after she left the hospital, Retton, 55, declined to reply," Brennan wrote.

And when you don't tell Christine Brennan, who doesn't disclose whether she donated money to Mary Lou, what happened to the money, the Super Lib will attempt to bury you, even if you're a beloved American.

When Brennan was told by one of Mary Lou's daughters that her mother couldn't get health care due to pre-existing conditions, the Super Lib columnist asked an insurance agent to find plans that Mary Lou would qualify for.

Keep in mind, that this is condescendingly. Super Libs don't want to help people like Mary Lou. They want them to repent and admit they don't live life the right way like a Super Lib like Christine Brennan lives life and hence it's time for Mary Lou to be dragged.

Once Christine buried Retton's kids on insurance, she turned her attention towards the funds left over once Mary Lou's medical bills were paid.


Mary Lou's daughters say the remaining funds will be given to charity, but the daughters failed to give Brennan the exact information she wanted, so it was time to bury them.

"In a text message to USA TODAY Sports Saturday, Kelley would not comment on how much of the nearly half-million dollars has been accounted for, but said that 'all remaining funds' would go to a charity of her mother’s choice. She offered no timetable or further information," Brennan concluded.

The Super Libs believe Mary Lou is loaded financially, MAGA, unvaccinated and was against Obamacare

As you should always remember, Christine Brennan is a left-wing activist. Name a left-wing cause and she supports it.

In 2020, as the Big Ten was preparing to play a shortened college football season, Brennan called it "the Big Ten's darkest days" which is crazy when you think of things like the Larry Nassar sexual abuse case and, oh, the Jerry Sandusky case.

That's how brainwashed Brennan was into thinking the world was ending over COVID.

She doesn't mention if she thinks Mary Lou Retton is unvaccinated, but you can bet the last dollar in your bank account that Christine Brennan isn't writing about Mary Lou if the gymnastics legend was a good soldier for the Super Lib cause.

On Mary Lou's Instagram account, there's a constant stream of Super Libs who are crushing this woman for not having insurance, those who believe Mary Lou has plenty of money to pay her bills and, in their minds, she's anti-vaccine and got COVID because she wasn't vaccinated.

Here are the Super Libs, like Brennan, who have come for Mary Lou:

And it goes on and on and on.

If you chose to donate $20 to Mary Lou Retton, do you deserve an accounting document showing where that $20 went?

You don't.

You don't get an accounting of the money your friends collect for their kids' 8th-grade Washington D.C. trips. Hailey went to D.C. She probably ate great. She stayed in a nice hotel. She bought some stupid trinkets. Your friends have the money to send their kids to Washington D.C., yet they get on Facebook all the time to ask others to pay the bill. You don't even get to see the stupid trinkets.

Your friends have the money to pay for travel ball vacations, yet they ask you to buy Super Bowl squares and "Pick a Date" games where you give money to families who chose to play travel sports. They claim poverty and then you give them money to go on sports vacations.

There are cheerleading fundraisers out there that sell laundry detergent to raise money for the cheerleading team.

The Starbucks workers are asking for tips. The self-serve drink kiosks at sporting events are asking for tips. The Subway workers handing you a sub are asking for tips.

And none of you ask where your $5, $10 or $20 went.

Christine Brennan has never asked for an accounting of where her donations went.

But, when she comes across someone whose politics don't make up with hers, it's a problem.

That's the game the Super Libs want to play and it's disgusting. Leave Mary Lou Retton alone.

Did you donate to Mary Lou Retton's healthcare fundraiser? Do you care where the money goes at this point?


Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.