The Internet Is Convinced Jim Nantz Called Someone A 'Ticklish Little B*tch' At The Masters

Jim Nantz has been doing this whole Masters thing for a while now. The way he whispers on a Sunday. The way he always seems to absolutely nail a call on 18. The way he perfectly crafts a line while nestled inside Butler Cabin. 

He knows how to call a Masters tournament. Can do it in his sleep at this point. Like him or hate him, Jim will always be synonymous with Augusta. 

The guy's a pro at calling a lot of things – especially when Tony Romo isn't yapping in his ear for three hours – but he's especially good at calling golf. 

So imagine our surprise – and by "our," I mean the internet – when Jim called out all the ticklish little bitches in the field Friday morning:

Jim Nantz starts our Masters Friday with a bang

This is what the internet was made for. Right here. For moments like this. I usually hate Twitter. It's a cesspool. 

But when do I need it most? When I'm trying to enjoy my morning cup of coffee with the Masters on in the background, and stop dead in my tracks because I thought I just heard Jim Nantz call someone a ticklish little bitch. 

I think I have whiplash from it. I nearly spit out my Maxwell house. True story. I tried to rewind it, but I don't have that sort of money, so I couldn't. 

So, what did I do? Head to Twitter. If I heard it, surely the internet did, too. And, right on cue, Jim Nantz was trending. 

Now, did he actually say "ticklish little bitch"? No. Of course not. He obviously said "ticklish little pitch," but I will forever choose to believe he went with the first one, because hearing people cuss who you've never heard cuss is – and always will be – hilarious. 

I think I've heard my sweet grandma cuss once in my life, and it was jarring when it happened. Still think about it to this day. That's what we have here with Jim Nantz. 

Hearing Jimbo say "ticklish little bitch" will forever be burned into my brain, and I'm grateful for that. 

Hello Friends is OUT. Ticklish Little Bitch is IN. What a way to start a big Masters weekend. 

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.