Teacher Doing Battle With School Board Says The Board Subscribed To Her OnlyFans
Canadian teaching assistant Kristin MacDonald's fight against a Vancouver school board has taken an interesting turn. According to the content creator, known as Ava James on social media platforms, the school board subscribed to her OnlyFans.
MacDonald received a letter from the school board last month. The letter informed her that they had received a complaint about her social media activity. The letter went on to give her the opportunity to shutdown her Ava James accounts. If not, she could be fired.

Teaching assistant taking on school board over content (Image Credit: Ava James/TikTok)
MacDonald hasn't shutdown the accounts and has decided to do battle with the school board. Part of that battle includes facing an investigative committee during a recent disciplinary hearing.
During the hearing she was presented with evidence they had collected of her social media activity. The evidence came in the form of images from social media, quotes from articles about the fight with the school district, and research on her OnlyFans.
MacDonald claims that the school board purchased a subscription to her OnlyFans. She told Daily Hive, "They admitted to getting an OnlyFans subscriber account."
The school board weren't the only ones putting taxpayer money to good use. She added that the investigative committee also "heavily alluded" to purchasing a subscription to her exclusive content.
The 35-year-old said of the subscriptions, "I kind of felt like they were poking at me being like, 'yeah, we saw what you're doing' or whatever."
As of now, poking is all they've done to her. MacDonald hasn't yet been fired and is still an employee of the school district.
However, that could change at any time. She admitted, "I mean, they could draw it out, or they can tell me next week that I’m terminated."
Kristin MacDonald Is Going To Battle For All Of The Other Ava James' Out There
The fact that the school board and the committee subscribed to her OnlyFans while threatening to fire her for it isn't the craziest thing to come out of the hearing. They're helping to support a single mother by doing that.
The most outrageous thing to come out are the claims that she's using notoriety from the battle to help build her brand. This fight is about much more than that.
This is a classic good versus evil battle. This isn't just Kristin MacDonald's fight. It's much bigger than that, this is for all of the other Ava James' out there.
"What I hope the final outcome will be is that this situation sets a precedent for other people in similar situations where maybe they are being discriminated against based on doing some sort of sex work," says MacDonald."
I would like to see policies and employers be more accepting and progressive with their opinion and outlook on sex work. Because sex work is still work."
There's probably a small part that's going into building the brand.