Study Shows America Is Fatter & More Depressed Than Ever Thanks To COVID Lockdowns
As we all enter the meat of the holiday season, there's some good news to take with you as you reach for your third helping of dessert -- Americans are fatter and more depressed than ever thanks to the COVID lockdowns.
Thanks, Fauci!
This excellent development comes from a recent Gallup study that showed the pandemic -- and lockdowns -- continue to take a major toll on our eating habits here in the USA, which have “eroded substantially” while weight gain exponentially increased.
“Much of the recent increase in obesity may be associated with modified health behaviors resulting from the pandemic,” according to the report, citing the work-from-home era.

COVID lockdowns continue to be the biggest sham in the history of time
Nice way to jump into a new year!
The data is pretty depressing, just like us, apparently.
Data from the CDC recently found that 22 states reported at least 35% of its adult population was obese in 2022. That number is up significantly from 2021, when only 19 states were obese.
The Gallup poll backs that up. After surveying people in August and September of this year, they found that an estimated 38.4% of the US is struggling with obesity — up 6% from 2019.
As if being obese wasn't bad enough, the poll also found that nearly 1 in 5 Americans is battling post-pandemic depression.
One in five!
I can keep spewing all the numbers in the world, but just take a look at these handy-dandy Gallup charts if you really want to feel good about us on a Saturday morning:
Goodness gracious. Wild.
Now, I don't deal with any of that, because I live in Florida. Did COVID ever actually happen? I keep hearing about it, but down here we just sort of acted normal and sane and lived life.
Thank you, Mr. Governor!
Am I naturally fat because I have a dad bod now? Sure. But that's because of my 2-year-old, not Anthony Fauci.
Am I sad because the Dolphins blew a 14-point lead with 3 minutes to play earlier this week? Absolutely. But that's because life as a Dolphins fan is hell, not because of lockdown Newsom.
But for everyone not in the great, free state of Florida, I feel for you. The whole thing was a sham and now Americans are clearly suffering from it.