Snow White Animatronic's Arm Seemingly Stolen By One Of The Seven Dwarfs (Can You Still Call Them That?) On Disney World Ride

I have no clue what that new Disney Snow White movie that everyone already hates will be like, but I know it will be infinitely less amusing than what some visitors to Walt Disney World's Magic Kingdom saw this week: an animatronic dwarf stealing the arm right off an animatronic Snow White.

Rachel Zegler would probably still find some way to complain about that and ruin the joy for everyone.

It happened aboard the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train, a roller coaster in which you sit in a mine cart. At the end is a little scene where Snow White dances with the Seven Dwarfs because they just dug up a bunch of coal or killed that old lady with the apple or whatever. I couldn't really follow the story.

What was odd was that this time the Snow White animatronic was dancing around with one less arm than usual. Even stranger, Dopey was dancing around holding the severed robo-limb.

No one ever suspects Dopey... suspicions always go right to that crotchety jerk, Grumpy.

Dopey Stealing Snow White's Arm Livened That Ride Up

This is the Snow White film Disney should make. It's the Golden Age of public-domain horror films, so why not one where the Seven Dwarfs turn on Snow White and rip her limb from limb? I guarantee it would do better than whatever garbage they trot out when it's finally time to release that cinematic greasefire.

Now that video, that was hilarious. Probably the funniest animatronic mishap since Abraham Lincoln melted in half. and in all honesty, it would be the highlight of that ride.

I've been on it once and thought, 'Welp, I won't need to do that ever again... unless Dopey yanks off one of Snow White's arms... in that case, sign me up."

Unless there's some animatronic nonsense happening, Big Thunder Mountain blows this ride out of the water. If you find yourself at the Magic Kingdom, go do that ride instead and then use any remaining time to stand in line for a Dole Whip and cheeseburger eggroll.

You're welcome for that advice.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.