Scientists Reveal Shocking Redhead Sex & Orgasm Data
Guys, your non-scientific research that redheads are crazy in the sack now has the backing of actual scientists.
In a study by University of Hamburg researcher Dr. Werner Habermehl, researchers determined that redheads have a higher orgasm rate than any other hair color on the planet. For years, there's been this anecdotal belief amongst many male text groups that redheads are just better in bed.
Dr. Werner says it's time to put the hearsay to rest. "‘The sex lives of women with red hair were clearly more active than those with other hair color, with more partners and having sex more often than the average," the doctor said, according to the Daily Mail.

Beautiful redhead woman
"The research shows that the fiery redhead certainly lives up to her reputation," he added.
Now, here's the bad news for the guys out there who'll be hitting up Applebee's over New Year's looking for redheads — less than 2% of the global female population has red hair.
In 2014, released data it claimed to have collected that said 41% of redheads orgasm 90-100% of the time during sex "with a familiar partner."
Blondes came in second at 36%. Brunettes were next at 34% and black-haired women were last at 29%.
What about one-night stands?
Yep, redheads are notorious for those, according to Match.
63% of redheads polled in 2014 had experienced a one-nighter.
The numbers just keep getting better if you're looking to spice up your sack life. 53% of redheads told Match that they enjoyed friends with benefits relationships and 48% of the redheads thought about sex at least once a day.
Shall I continue?
Redheads also lead the league in threesomes. 25% of redheads in 2014 told Match they'd had a threesome.
A decade ago, the Internet wasn't convinced by's redhead data, but now we have some scientists confirming these redheads have wild sex lives
The research continued building until Dr. Werner finally locked it down: Redheads are just having more and better sex than the other hair colors.
But there's even more research into redheads and their superpowers.
Researchers have also determined that redheads have a higher pain threshold than another other females. "A report in the medical journal Anesthesiology said redheads’ pain thresholds were linked to the hair gene mutation which partially switches off a sensory receptor," The Daily Mail reported.
Now we know why Nicole Kidman was having so many orgasms while filming ‘Babygirl’
It was science!
"There were times when we were shooting where I was like, ‘I don’t want to orgasm anymore. Don’t come near me. I hate doing this,’" Kidman said of her sex scenes with 28-year-old cocksman Harris Dickinson.
Kidman said she was having so many orgasms that she eventually developed orgasm "burnout" to the point where she had to "go away for a second" to collect herself during filming.
Do you have experience with redheads? Care to share a story? Are you a redhead? Tell us what's going on with redheads having more orgasms.