Men Reveal What Women Don't Understand About Them, Answers Have Common Theme
What don't women understand about men?
It's a question as old as time itself, and it certainly cuts both ways. I know there are plenty of things men don't understand about women, but today, we're diving into a truly entertaining Reddit thread with one goal:
Finding out what women simply do not understand about men.
What don't women understand about men?
A viral Reddit thread titled "Men of Reddit, what do women just not get?" is full of interesting answers and debates that are worth every minute of your time.
Remember, these are their answers - not mine! Check out the responses below, and let me know your thoughts at
- There is an episode of Star Trek TNG where Beverly keeps making these elaborate breakfasts then finds out that Picard only really wants coffee and croissants. I think about that a lot….
- Sometimes I want to do nothing, and I’m not grumpy, I don’t need to talk, I just want to sit here and do nothing for a bit.
- That I like intimacy too. I want to be hugged. I want to be complimented. And I don't want it to feel conditional because nearly everything in my life already is.
- Sometimes, doing nothing, is doing something.
- I am not angry, there is just nothing worth talking about at the moment.
- That I need a transition period when I'm done with work for the day and don't immediately want to talk about my day...
- That some of us can be total brick walls when it comes to getting hints. Look unless you bluntly tell me what you want, im not gonna catch on to it since im assuming it either doesnt have any meaning or you are just joking.
- From my experience "Thinking about nothing". Sometimes I like to just sit out on my deck in a nice chair zone out and have no thoughts.
- Ask us out. We do not like rejection either. It happens.
- The hungrier I get the lower my standards. Women don't have that, they'll be starving saying they don't know what they want, meanwhile I'll eat literally anything edible near me at a certain point.
- When I say no to having sex, it is not some slight against you, it is not an excuse to start guilting me, saying I don’t find you attractive anymore, and give me the cold shoulder. It means I don’t want to have sex, I’m probably f*cking tired.
- alone time. it's so often that my wife and I argue over me just being able to sit in my own company. it's a thing. we're able to just do nothing. it happens.
- It's not that I want to do nothing, it's that I just need to be alone. Alone to plan. Alone to choose. Alone to choose the noises and distractions. Alone to eat and drink what and when I want.
- We can’t read your mind! The best way to get something you want or need from us is to just tell us… with words.
- Nobody wants to play "guess what's in my head" with you. Use your words.
- That you shouldn't tell us all of your problems incessantly and not expect us to help try to fix them/give suggestions. There is only so long I can sit and listen before I have to give an obvious solution to a problem.
I wish you could all see how much I'm chuckling right now, and there are two common answers throughout the thread:
- Men like alone time.
- Nobody has any idea what's going on in your head. Just tell us.
Both are great points, and both are insanely accurate. Sometimes, a dude just wants to sit on his couch watching football or a WWII documentary with some popcorn and a couple beers and not talk to anyone, including his wife or girlfriend.
Men like to get up in their own minds and thoughts and zone the world out. That's not a bad thing. It's a good thing. We all need our own space and alone time. It helps reset the baseline after a busy day or week.
As for people who just assume men know every single thought in a woman's head, I will truly never understand that (You can read a woman's perspective on relationships from the great Amber Harding with Womansplaining). I once had an ex-girlfriend tell me it's my job as a dude to know what she wants at all times and act accordingly. It's not her job to tell me. Shockingly, that relationship didn't last long.
I believe the comment that said it best was this one:
"Nobody wants to play 'guess what's in my head' with you. Use your words.:
It's a 100% accurate assessment of the situation. If you want something, tell us. If you're thinking something, tell us. There's no man on the planet who can possibly know every thought a woman is thinking, and vice versa.
Overall, I think the thread is pretty on point with the answers above. What do you think men and women need to be better about understanding when it comes to relationships and life? Let me know at