Reddit Users Reveal Non-Negotiable Life Habits, Answers Are Very Solid
Is there something you do every single day and it's not up for discussion?
I'm sure the answer to that question is yes. We all have habits. Some good (exercise). Some bad (insert your choice of bad habit here).
That's why I found myself fascinated by a Reddit thread I stumbled upon while sipping on my black coffee breaking down different habits.
Reddit thread about habits goes viral.
The now-viral thread breaks down "non-negotiable" life habits, and I can promise you don't want to miss this one.
Check out some of the answers below, and let me know your thoughts at
- Taking a walk every day, even if it’s just for ten minutes. It clears my head and makes me feel human again
- Running. Minimum 5 days a week. Usually six. 17 years straight. Started out for physical health. Kept it for mental health.
- Same. Since 25 years. But I know there will come a time when I won’t be able to run to the extent that gives me peace of mind. What is your backup plan?
- daily nap. its so nice. i also always play animal crossing every day before i nap
- Demonstrating my love to my wife.
- I follow the same morning routine, down to the minute, even if I'm not working that day
- don't lie to people you love. In fact, just don't lie in general
- Being nice to people and minimizing "screens as entertainment" time
- I eat breakfast every morning no matter if I don't have time. Not always the same thing and sometimes something i can eat quickly and on the run, but i always have to eat something
- Cooked meals are eaten at the table and not in front of the TV. If we decide to just forgo a proper dinner and have a sandwich or something then sometimes we'll eat wherever, but if it's a proper cooked meal we sit and enjoy it as a set table.
- Morning RPM (Reading, Prayer, & Meditation)
- Saving money. I am always looking for a deal and track prices of everything that I might buy. I can afford to splurge, buy why pay more than necessary.
- I gotta go outside at least once every 48 hours, I love being outside.
- Show those you love that you love them.
These are all great answers for the most part, and there's two life habits I have that apply nicely here. First, I start every single morning with a nice cup of straight black coffee. Not one drop of anything in it. If it was good enough for the cowboys who tamed this country then it's good enough for me.
I'm not doing much before getting my coffee, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Second, I love a nice daily walk. Nothing is better than throwing headphones in, firing up some music and getting some fresh air.
Doesn't need to be a very long walk, but getting outside every day and clearing your head is a great thing to do.

Non-negotiable life habits are going viral on Reddit. (Credit: Getty Images)
Do you have a habit that you do every single day? Let me know at I can't wait to hear your answers!