'Price Is Right' Contestant Dislocates Shoulder While Celebrating

Is there anything more embarrassing than getting injured while celebrating? Yes, getting injured while celebrating on The Price Is Right. This was the reality for one contestant who dislocated his shoulder after some vigorous fist pumping.

The long-running game show's official Instagram account sent out a video of a contestant named Henry who breezed through his game and earned a trip to Hawaii.

He showed Bonkers whose boss too. First try and he was Hawaii-bound.

However, he wound up celebrating so hard that he popped his shoulder out of the socket.

Now that's nothing a few Mai Tais on the beach in Oahu won't fix, but there was still the matter of the wheel.

Henry's Wife Had To Help Him Out

As host Drew Carrey explained, Henry had to pull his wife, Alice, had to deputize for him when it came time to spin.

(Quick aside: Since when did Drew Carrey start rocking some serious salad? It's been a while since I've been home sick from high school, which as everyone knows is the best way to watch The Price Is Right so I haven't noticed his trans-flow-mation).

Turns out, this was for the best because Alice spun a $0.95 for her husband and his bum shoulder.

This makes me wonder, was this a work? Now, I'm just spit-ballin' here, but clearly, Henry is a big Price Is Right guy. I mean, note the sweatshirt. Maybe he's good at the games, but Alice specializes in the wheel, a skill she honed with hours spent playing the at-home game that people get as consolation prizes.

Could it be that knowing this, Henry feigned an injury to give the couple their best chance at progressing to the Showcase Showdown?

Perhaps... or more likely Henry just got super excited and wrenched his shoulder pretty bad.

That sounds more likely.

Either way, Bob Barker is smiling somewhere (he's still alive, by the way. He's 99, so he might be smiling from an assisted living facility) because of Henry and Alice's love and devotion to the show, and the hilariousness of the former's injury.

Follow on Twitter: @Matt_Reigle

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.