Paige VanZant Claims She's Up To No Good, Mike White Looks Like A Weed Dealer & Jim Irsay Hammers A Heater
What's your reaction to air fryer steaks?
I was making one of my nightly trips around social media when this caught my attention. At first, I thought it was a troll job by Carl to cook steaks in an air fryer, but then after a little digging, I realized Carl cooks quite a few things in an air fryer.
Now, I'm not trying to cause you guys to hyperventilate this morning. I just want to know if this is 100% the wrong way to cook a steak. No need to go off on a 1,000-word diatribe against Carl. Just wondering if air fryer steak is decent.
Invasion of the AI bots that won't stop texting
Here's a great question from Canoe Kirk, the Merchant of the Au Sable, on my group text:
What is the end game for these AI bots that text you?
Here's an example this week from one member of the text group who ran into a feisty AI bot:

So here's the question for the tech-savvy members of the community -- what's the end game here? Is it to click on a link by the end of the conversation which will then infect a phone and then the Chinese government will steal your bank account?
Or is this some sort of Russian scam where they steal your information, your bank account, your Instagram DMs for blackmail, etc.?
What are these AI bots up to?
The Worst People on Earth
Jonathan in Texas sent in his debut email where he ranked the worst people in the world and people farting on planes were ranked No. 4, just above thieves.
Now Screencaps readers are sending in their own 'Worst' lists.
• Andrew F. in Pittsburgh, PA writes:
My list consists of two types of people.
There is a special place in Hell for those jagoffs!
• Rory M. in Atlanta agrees with Andrew:
Only one. There's a special place in hell for people who leave shopping carts in parking lots.
• Charles W. in Alabama writes:
Me and my better half 65 and 57 years old. Together eights years, married 4. She's from the ghetto of Jacksonville Florida. She married at 16 and had a child as a high school senior. Was a nurse 23 years went to med school at 42 became a physician and OB fellow surgeon in 2015.
Moved to our small town of (pop. 9500) Boaz, Alabama became our Rotary President and was named citizen of the year after being here three years. She’s a great person and my hero.
Worse things:
Now that's an email out of Charles and I can't even show you the "Unpublishable" list of "worse things" that he sent.
No. 3 is spot on. There was no way to collect clean copies of the Swimsuit Issue when SI's mailing department used glue that would rip the cover. That was always a sticking point for me. And it wasn't like I had the money to go buy an edition at Walden Books at the mall. You got what you got.
Charles, if you're reading this, I need you to send me more emails. Pick a topic and write.
It appears farting on planes has a chance to be a hot topic this week
• Joe M. writes:
You know who farts on planes?
Everyone, especially those stuck in middle seats or windows. Or people like me, who had the great misfortune to have the fasten seatbelt sign on for 3/4 of my SEVENTEEN-hour flight to Australia because of turbulence on Sunday. I'm about to get back on the lovely flight back in three hours. Yay.
Early in my traveling career, I held a series of farts in from LGA to SNN, and I turned pale and started sweating as the pressure built up. The FA (flight attendant) thought I was about to have a heart attack. Ex-wife smartly said, "just let it out." I no longer looked like I was dying after I did.
It's not the farts themselves, everyone has gas at altitude. It's a personal hygiene issue, and if it was bad as described, it may be a medical issue as well. Certain cultures use hair treatments that smell like a week-old dead raccoon.
TV Show of the Year -- 2023?
You guys can watch the trailer and then let me know. Read the comments on the tweet for a real good time, especially for those of you who've had a rough week. The comments will cheer you up.
Food ATMs
• Andy F. writes:
Hi Joe and all screencaps brethren. I can’t possibly match Beau or Mike and Cindy but here is a picture of a hot food machine at Hollywood casino in St. Louis County. I’m told the chicken and waffles is pretty good.
On other topics thanks to you I started a gauntlet league and everyone loves it. Battery daddys are wrapped and ready. Glory days should be an Instagram number 1 seed although some of the new entries are quite impressive. The white claw Browns fan is the greatest. Not touching the farting on airplane discussion or great schrimp conspiracy. Merry Christmas to screencaps!

Are belly-button piercings out?
• Donald J. writes:
I’ve noticed that many of the young ladies pics posting in Screencaps don’t have the belly button pierced. Is this a growing trend I wonder, maybe the fad has worn off or maybe there have been a lot of piercings gone wrong? Could this have been what happened to Hildee and now she’s covering it up? Curious as to what the female readers thoughts are.
On another note, could we maybe get Screencaps nation to chip in and buy a muzzle for RGIII? I’m sure ESPN is overjoyed at their hiring of him. He’ll say anything to try and widen his brand, whatever that is and end up putting his foot in his mouth every time.
To all the Elf on a Shelf bashers out there: Enjoy your kids being young, they grow up so fast and remember that JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON!
One last thing, we need brother (OutKick Bets) Geoff to take a vacation from giving us his gambling picks or Santa won’t be coming this year.
Let me start with the IG models and belly-button piercings. That's a great observation. It feels like that trend is over which lasted like 20 years too long. It should've ended when women stopped getting barbed wire tats in honor of their hero, Pamela Anderson.
Next, RG3. We go way back. Let me just say that RG3 will eventually fail spectactuarly. You can do a search for "RG3" my name and "Hooters" to find out more.
More from Donald J.:
Pic off my brother’s balcony in Key West , Tuesday evening

If you already have the Battery Daddy and need to blow more money on guy things
• Steve C. has an idea:
Once the Battery Daddy furor has abated, here is the next foolproof way to waste your money: The Bug-A-Salt! It’s a plastic gun which demolishes bugs using a shot of regular table salt. No batteries! Great for taking care of flies, spiders, roaches, etc. I’ve got 3 on order as Christmas gifts.
Here’s the website (all very tongue-in-cheek). Gotta watch the videos and on YouTube.
They’ve also got a model out now using CO2 cartridges and preloaded rounds of salt!
Prime rib and the latest from Europe
• Mike T. in Idaho, but currently from Europe, has sent me a variety of items this week, so let's wrap it all up into one update. First up is a prime rib recipe from one of Mike T.'s favorite BBQ influencers, Malcolm Reed.

Moving along, let's see what Mike T. has found interesting in Europe.
Mike writes:
This is a type of tractor used for multi purpose in the vineyards of France.
This is the rear of the tractor.

And it wouldn't be a Mike T. update without a pic of French treats:

And that should do it. What an action-packed edition of Screencaps that I had to hammer out this morning because Mrs. Screencaps has to go to the office for the first time in like six months and that means I'm on school duty.
Let's get after it. Today is known as the final day of real work in 2022 for most of you office hounds because tomorrow is meat trays and lunch cocktails Friday before all you senior VPs head off to the tropics for the rest of the year.
Go give your company 115% one final time. I have to get into the school drop-off line.