Paige Spiranac Dons Masters Jacket And Nothing Else, Jason Aldean Tells Biden To Piss Off & Golfer's NSFW Rant
Well, here we are – eclipse day.
The tin-foil hats say it's the beginning of the end. Others are shutting down entire towns because they need to sit in total darkness for four minutes at 3 p.m.
Why not just wait until it's actually dark? Isn't it the same thing? I don't know. Maybe not.
Seems like a lot of work for pretty little payoff, but then again, I'm also the why would I go to a game when I can just watch it on TV guy, so I'm probably not the best arbiter here.
In any event, happy eclipse day to all Nightcaps students skipping class right now to catch the moon blocking the sun for a few minutes. Or is it the other way around? Honestly, I have no idea. Regardless, y'all get a freebie here.
Don't say I never did nothin' for ya!
On that note, welcome to a Monday Nightcaps – the one where we break down last night's CMT awards with Megan Moroney and try to somehow fill in the rest of the gaps even though our Instagram embeds are down.
I've never worked harder in my life. I'm exhausted. But, that's why they pay me the average bucks! And that's why God invented Paige Spiranac.
So, we're gonna hang with Megan. We'll then tell the Biden campaign team to politely hit the bricks with Jason Aldean. After that, we'll all grip it and rip it with Tyrrell Hatton, who had the most relatable tee shot in the history of tee shots yesterday.
Love this guy. I'm all in.
Grab a drink and maybe one of them cool eclipse glasses from the CVS down the road, and settle in for a Monday 'Cap!
Megan Moroney vs. Dasha at the CMT awards … who ya got?
Yes, the CMT awards were last night. Did you know? I certainly didn't. Didn't even know they were still a thing, and I love country music.
I would assume most Nightcaps readers do, too. But I need some input here … ever heard of this new chick, Dasha? She started trending last night and you could've given me a million guesses and I would've never guessed that she was a … country singer?
Is this country? Or is this Taylor Swift?
Look, I actually don't think it's an awful song. I'm not here to hate on it, because Dasha doesn't deserve that today.
She's obviously got everyone pretty fired up on the Twitter, though, because … it just doesn't sound like country music. At all.
If I'm scrolling through my Sirius XM presets and hear this on The Highway, I'm gonna think my truck messed up and accidentally sent me to TikTok radio (that's channel 4 for anyone interested!).
With all that being said, there is no disputing the fact that Dasha can bring the heat, and that's always welcome around here:
Look at me! See, I don't need any of those stupid Instagram embeds to make lemonade around here. It's called adapting and overcoming.
Anyway, I had no clue who Dasha was until last night, but I certainly knew who Megan Moroney was – and is – and she's most definitely country. Love this girl. Tennessee Orange? Banger. No Caller ID? Heater.
Pink dress on a red carpet? Elite.

How about this Toby Keith cover from Brooks and Dunn?
Beyond those two, there were some other pretty cool moments last night.
Obviously, the big story was how the show would honor Toby Keith. The guy was country music, and even the most casual of country fans would sing a dozen of his songs word for word.
So imagine my surprise when BROOKS AND DUNN took one of his biggest bangers – Should've Been A Cowboy – and butchered it in ways I didn't even know possible.
There is no doubt who Jason Aldean is with, in case you were wondering
Holy cow. What a song! I mean, it was doomed from the jump, and it never really stabilized. I love B&D, by the way, so this isn't a shot at them, but what the hell was that?
They had to be tanked, right? I mean, my God, I hope so. That's the only explanation I'll accept. I mean, they've heard that song, right? It was almost like they just heard it for the first time an hour ago! Whooooof.
Anyway, Toby wouldn't have cared. He would've been tanked right there with ‘em. So, I don’t care, either! Long live TK. Legend.
Final country one for today, I promise …
Let's quickly check in with Jason Aldean to see who he'll be voting for this November:
Tyrrell Hatton is one of us, Auburn spring football attendance & Paige is ready for The Masters
I mean, it honestly just goes to show you how dumb the Biden people are. To even think that JASON ALDEAN would allow that is beyond silly.
The guy isn't exactly shy about his political leanings.
A quick Google search probably would've saved them all that egg on their faces. And, in Joe's economy, that's a lot of money to be wasting!
Rapid-fire time before the black hole sun gets to Florida. First up?
Just the hottest of all the hot mics right here:
I golfed yesterday and I'm pretty sure Tyrrell must've been in the group behind us, because that was me on two separate holes.
The first? A par-3. Water to the left. Water in the back. Bunker to the far right with a little water way off to its right.
I played the safe shot – avoided the water to the left at all costs and aimed just short of the bunker. Hit it great. Boom. Flush City.
It hit the bunker rake and took a 60-foot kick to the right. Water. Didn't even think it was possible to find the water over there. Insane.
PS: how about the nuts on Tyrrell to drop a hard c-word with hot mics all over the course? You don't hear that one often.
Next? They were FEELING it on Saturday for the big Auburn spring football game!
The SEC: it just means more, baby!
In all seriousness … tough look there for Tiger nation. Nice job, Hugh Freeze!
Finally, here's a peak at Paige Spiranac's Masters outfit before you rebels stare into the sun later today and go blind. You're welcome!
Let's go have a week.
OutKick Nightcaps is a daily column set to run Monday through Friday at 4 p.m. (roughly, we’re not robots).
Did you go eclipsing today? Email me at