OnlyFans Model Who Appeared In Boob Grabbing Fake Traffic Stop Video With Nashville Cop Talks With OutKick
Last week it was revealed that an exhaustive all-night investigation by the Metro Nashville Police Department resulted in the firing of one of their officers.
Sean Herman had been an officer for three years before he was let go. His alleged crime, appearing in a fake traffic stop skit with an OnlyFans model and grabbing her boob while in uniform.
If you're going to get fired for something, that's one way to make sure it's memorable. The OnlyFans model involved in the unfortunate firing of "Officer Johnson," as he referred to himself in the skit, is shedding some light on how the whole situation unfolded.

OnlyFans model Jordin who appeared in fake traffic stop skit. (Image Credit: Photographer: Alectra Busey/@alectrabuseyphoto)
Her name is Jordin, and she's called Nashville home for almost 16 years. For almost four of those 16 years, she's been creating content on OnlyFans. She reached out, I fulfilled my duties as a member of the OutKick Culture Department, and we chatted in the DMs about what went down.
Naturally, I had to know how the whole fake traffic stop skit came together. Was this an officer that she was friends with beforehand? According to Jordin, he reached out to her about making some content.
"I met the officer a while back in person for a few moments and one day he saw me on my Reddit and reached out about potentially filming a full video at some point in the future. In the meantime I had an idea to do a "fake" traffic stop where I’d flash him to get out of a ticket," she told OutKick.
"The video was only to be used for promo/clickbait on Twitter and other socials to bring eyes to my platform. Obviously we’ve all wondered if flashing cops would get us out of tickets right? Every guy/girl has joked about it, so I thought it’d be funny/playful."
The promo worked in the sense that it got attention to her platform. It worked a little too well and led some, who felt his community outreach was inappropriate, to take a closer look at the officer's uniform in the video.
What I wanted to know was whether this was a video for something more. Did Jordin film a full-blown video for behind her paywall or anything like that?
"No, the clip is all we have. We took one additional photo after at his request but it’s clothed and safe for viewing eyes," she said.
"That original video I pulled from every media and am now going to sell on my OF and donate 100% of the proceeds to him to help him get back on his feet. We have however discussed a future video but it’s still in the works."

Jordin is raising money for the fired Nashville officer. (Image Credit: Photographer: Alectra Busey/@alectrabuseyphoto)
Jordin Says Metro Detectives Showed Up To Ask Her Some Questions About The Incident
In addition to the proceeds from the video going to Herman, Jordin also paid him a month's salary when he got terminated.
She said that the clip of the fake traffic stop was only posted to Reddit and Twitter and that she removed it when she caught wind that people were handing it over to the news and the police department.
"Unfortunately it was too late at that point," she admitted. "I had metro detectives actually show up to ask questions about the incident. These were when, where, why type questions."
This video was never intended to be analyzed to the extent that it was. They went out of their way to film it so that nothing identifiable would appear on camera. All it took was a small piece of the police department’s patch to end up on the Metro Nashville Police Department's radar.
Jordin believes the video wound up on the radar due to the attention it received on Twitter. She said, "I’m under the impression that the local media turned it in to the department. I do believe that it was from my Twitter."
She continued, "The video was sitting at 2million views at that point and had been retweeted 5500 times so it’s safe to assume that was the culprit."

(Image Credit: Jordinswetof)
Unfortunately, it sounds like the police department lost a good one. Jordin told OutKick about the officer, "I do want to make it clearly known that he’s a very respectful guy, very polite, and wasn’t an officer that would’ve fit a profile that many are lumping him into."
While she didn't know what the former officer's plans were when it came to his next career move, she did say that if he decided to make content, "I certainly think he’d do very well based on his overall physical stature/figure and demeanor. He's a very nice guy."
As for her own OnlyFans business, Jordin doesn't know if lowering her subscription price or the story with the Nashville cop's firing has caused a bump in subscribers, but she's seen a "noticeable uptick" and lots of fans asking for the video.
She hopes the increased activity leads to more people buying the video and helping out the fired officer. In addition to being behind a paywall, Jordin can be found on Twitter and Reddit. Both are Jordinswetof.
I wouldn’t be shocked if officers from all around Tennessee started hitting her up.

(Image Credit: Photographer: Alectra Busey/@alectrabuseyphoto)