Officer Taylor Shelton Is Back, Deion Goes Gun Shopping & Guy Gets Arrested At Card Show

It didn't take long before I heard from someone who watches sumo wrestling & knows much more about the subject than me

Monday morning, I wrote about my experience watching sumo wrestling on NHK, the Japanese news channel on UVerse, and how I was getting into the sport. Robert D. in Astoria, NY sent an email to set me straight on the sumo schedule. He explains that the next Grand Sumo tournament will be in September. He writes that the wrestlers get six weeks off between competitions and that they spend some of that time going on "jungyo" tours around Japan where they hold exhibition bouts.

COVID has killed off the jungyo tours, according to Robert, so now the big boys spend their six weeks training and living life. OK, so now I'm circling September on the calendar. Be on the lookout for the September Grand Sumo tournament on NHK or the Japanese news channel of your choice.

I asked Robert about the start of matches and how it's hard to tell when these guys are supposed to start attacking each other. "The tachiai is a very interesting start to these matches. That guy in the hat and robe is called the gyoji, and it's his job to make sure the match starts properly - which is when both guys touch both of their hands to the clay, at which point they go," Robert wrote via email. "There is no standardized way of doing this, and so some guys have both fists on the clay immediately, and others take their time, trying to gain an advantage (which rarely makes a difference)."

"If they don't do it right, the gyoji stops them immediately and they have to start over. At the start, you'll hear him say 'Mada Mada matta,' which means someone didn't do it right, or he'll yell 'hakkioi!' which lets them know the bout is on."

And yet again Morning Screencaps readers come through for me, this time for something as random as sumo wrestling. That's what I love about this community. You guys have pretty much everything covered and can explain things for the layman. I appreciate it very much.

• Allen R. writes:

I am here to self-report like a cheating college football team. I live in League City TX (in between Houston and Galveston) and it has rained most of the month of July. I have dumped over 12" of water from the pool and added none. The last two weeks my wife has flagged down random yard crews to cut the grass in between showers. I am not proud but it had to be done. Today I was able to fire up the John Deere and give the yard attention it deserves. Forecast is bleak but hoping to get on the Thursday schedule again this week. Please consider the circumstances when leveling punishment.

Commish response: Why do I get the feeling Allen's enjoying this lifestyle where his wife flags down the grass guys to cut the yard while Allen's at work? Why do I get the feeling Allen is getting used to this lifestyle where he comes home and jumps in the pool? Get your head straight, Allen! You're being poisoned! That said, Allen will eventually come back and realize there's no 'i' in team and no 'i' in league. Think of the league, Allen!

• How do I know used car prices are exploding without listening to the experts? I was driving home from throwing batting practice to my kids and saw a 1989 Honda Prelude looking like an Accord I used to own. I was all fired up because you just don't see these cars in Ohio and then I saw the sticker price. Yes, a 1989 Prelude is now a classic car, but there was some rusting in the wheel wells where Hondas had a major problem in this era, a dent on the trunk, and the rims weren't pristine. Then I saw that it's an automatic and I was out. Talk about a buzzkill.

• Speaking of higher prices for goods, get ready for food prices to go up even more. Fox Business is out with a report that grocery prices will go nuts by October. One analyst expects prices to jump 10-14%. And the prices will be passed on to the consumer. Sounds like I'll be able to build projects with reasonably priced 2x4s, but I'm going to pay the difference when the kids want pizza rolls during football games.

• At what age should kids start to enjoy movies such as Terminator? I need some expertise from mothers and fathers who've already gone through this. My son isn't asking to see Arnold from 2029 return to 1984 to kill Sarah Conner, but it won't be long until he starts his cinematic exploration stage and I want to be prepared here.

Let me know your parenting experiences in the movie department:

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Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.