NFL WAG Gia Duddy Works On Her Buns, Minka Kelly Turns 44 By The Pool & Belichick's New Girl Makes A Move
Who's ready to do some humping today? Thought so!
How's THAT for a way to start class? I shot an honest 89 yesterday at Nantucket's "public" golf course. You wanna know how much 18 costs? Nope. Don't ask. Google it if you want. I don't have it in me to say it out loud.
But, I still played … decent? I mean, I didn't lose a ball. Not one. May have picked up some Lyme disease, but didn't lose a ball. And you know what? I'll take that any day of the week and twice on Sunday.
Anyway, all that to say … I'm in a good mood today, and we're gonna celebrate this Wednesday as God intended. Strap in.
On that weird note, welcome to a Hump Day Nightcaps – the one where we check in with NFL WAG Gia Duddy and tackle some other issues along the way.
Like what? Well … I've got a Bill Belichick update for everyone! Seems like America's Coach and ex-cheerleader girlfriend Jordon Hudson are making big strides in their totally normal relationship. What a summer storyline we have developing in front of us.
What else? I've got reader mail to get to, Zach Wilson and Russell Wilson pictures to break down – one is shirtless, can you guess who?! – Nationals slugger Jesse Winker daring a 66-year-old Padres fan to hit him, Kelly Stafford issuing a public apology to the backup Georgia QB everyone on this planet thought she banged a decade ago, and … Minka Kelly!
What a lesson plan.
Grab you a piña colada for National Coconut Day and settle in for a bumpy Hump Day 'Cap!
Who ya got – Jesse Winker or this pissed off Padres fan?
Look at us starting today's class with a little baseball action? Don't you DARE tell me we ain't diverse around here.
For those who missed it – and that's probably most of you – the Pads walked it off against the Nats earlier this week in San Diego. But before Jurikson Profar hit this below walk-off tank (sort of), he nearly took a fastball to the face.
That had Padres fans calling foul, and one 66-year-old legend decided to take it up with 30-year-old Jesse Winker:
Reader mail!
"I'm 30 and I'll whoop a 66-year-old's ass" is an all-time line here from Jesse Winker. This is why baseball games are the best to attend.
You can't quite chirp like this at a football game. They don't hear you. You're too far away from the action, and it's too loud. No shot.
But baseball games? It's the Wild Wild West. During the final weeks of my college life, a few buddies and I went to Fenway for some meaningless mid-May Red Sox game. I don't even remember who they were playing, and they didn't care.
The only reason they wanted to go – their sole purpose – was to get kicked out.
Seven innings and about three dozen beers later, we found ourselves shoved out the Gate C doors and straight onto Yawkey Way.
(Yes, it's Yawkey Way, you wokes. We'll never stop saying it)
Anyway, somehow that kid graduated just a few weeks later and now has one kid of his own with another on the way (Surprise! This ain't the time for it, but there you have it. I'll get into it when the time's closer). What a world.
OK, mail time! I taught everyone the harsh truth earlier this week that prime Nomar was better than prime Derek Jeter, and what a nerve I struck!
From Chris in NE:
Nomar maybe > Jeter on the diamond (not really)
Jeter >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nomar off the diamond.
World class cocksmith.
Have fun watching the Panthers choke their asses off tonight.
Thanks, Chris!
I'm still getting over the Panthers blowing a 3-0 lead. Tough. I knew it was gonna happen, though …
… wait, what? Oh yeah! You didn't think we'd go all day without talking about Monday night, did you?
Glad the Cup is staying in Florida, where it belongs! You know what they say – Florida is the hockey capital of the world. No denying that.
As for Jeter's dating resume – yeah, Chris from NE is 100 percent right on that one. No argument from me. His off-the-field accomplishments are far, farrrrrrrrrrrr more impressive than his actual game:

I mean, goodness gracious me. Frankly, it's arguably the most impressive list in the history of lists. Nobody on this planet could compete with prime Jeter. Nobody. We may never see anything like it again.
And, I know you're all wondering … yes, the Mount Rushmore is Minka Kelly followed by everyone else. And it ain't close:
Kelly Stafford says hold the phone
First off, Minka Kelly turned 44 on Monday. I can't believe I missed that. What an IDIOT. That's on me, folks. Sorry, Minka.
Second off … a few weeks ago we talked about that viral Twitter thread asking about our childhood TV crushes, and I can't believe I left Minka off that list.
Lyla Garrity from Friday Night Lights was an absolute pistol. Buddy Garrity was – and still is – maybe my favorite TV character of all time. What a damn family.
Just an INSANE show. I mean, think about it … we were entranced for five seasons by a show about a fictional football team in Texas, and it featured some of the most insane storylines known to man.
But also … not that insane, because I've seen the inner-workings of big-time high school football. God, TV used to be so great.
Whew. What a weird little tangent we've found ourselves on – and it all started with an email about all the women Derek Jeter has slept with! You ain't getting this sort of content anywhere else on the internet today. No shot.
Now, speaking of fooling around … Kelly Stafford, who last week angered the mob because she admitted to fooling around with Matthew Stafford's unnamed backup whilst at Georgia, is BACK to set the record straight:
Russ, Zach & Bill, oh my!
I said it last week and I'll say it again now – I'm Team Kelly here. She fooled around with Matty's backup to make him jealous, so what? My God. Was everyone just born yesterday? It's a tale as old as time. College kids are idiots. Kids are idiots. You were an idiot. I still am.
The size of this horse that the outrage is currently sitting on over this story is an all-timer. It's huge. #FreeKelly!
Rapid-fire time on this Hump Day Wednesday. First up? Insufferable Russell Wilson!
I mean, just the WORST. Insufferable. Even Steelers fans can't be that excited about Russell Wilson starting this year, right? Like, you can't be. It's not possible.
You know who I'd rather? THIS GUY:
What a curveball here from Zach Wilson. Insane new look. I'm all in, by the way. Please let Zach Wilson miraculously be good in Denver. The content would be off the charts.
Plus, we'd get more Nicolette, and, as you can see, that ain't a bad thing.
Speaking of attractive females in their 20s …
NFL WAG Gia Duddy takes us home
From the NY Post:
Bill Belichick and Jordon Hudson’s relationship is heating up fast.
The 72-year-old free agent NFL coach and the 23-year-old cheerleader — who is a former college cheerleader at Bridgewater State University in Massachusetts — are living together, according to TMZ.
Hudson reportedly moved in with Belichick at the former Patriots head coach’s home in Hingham, Mass., around the start of the new year and they’ve been inseparable since.
What a house that must be. I'd KILL to be a fly on that wall in the mornings.
Bill, awake since 4:30 a.m., drinking his cup of coffee on the couch and reading the paper while Jordon comes strolling downstairs at noon after a night of TikTok and Tequila. The conversations must be electric.
Congrats on the next big step, guys! Rooting for you.
Take us home, Gia.
OutKick Nightcaps is a daily column set to run Monday through Friday at 4 p.m. (roughly, we’re not robots).
You putting Minka Kelly No. 1? Email me at