Kendall Jenner Spent Tuesday Doing Shots With College Kids Across SEC Country

Kendall Jenner spent all day Tuesday touring the Bible Belt – including the two best SEC programs in the country – while doing shots with college kids and promoting her new Tequila brand. 

And I thought I had a good Tuesday by going to the range and hitting 100 golf balls in every direction (except straight) while pounding Busch Lights for two hours. 

Different strokes for different folks, I reckon:

Kendall Jenner hits up the most important SEC fanbases 

My God. On one hand, Kendall Jenner is hot, so I get it. Don't come at me with some BS about Kendall being linked with the Kardashians and hating them and all of that crap. Blah blah blah. 

Hot is hot, and Kendall Jenner's got it. So, again, I get it. 

But those above scenes just look beyond miserable. Could you imagine planting yourself in that mosh-pit of disgusting sweat and filth and shame for hours on end just to catch a glimpse of someone? 

There isn't a person on this planet that I'd do that for. Not one. 

We used to be the party house for about two years in college and I still get PTSD from it. And guess what? It looked an awful lot like that. Just an actual pit of misery – dilly dilly!

But to each their own, I reckon. Kendall Jenner is a big draw, and it's must-see TV when she's in town. 

Smart move hitting up Tuscaloosa and Athens, too. She probably should've just stopped in Oxford and really hit the trifecta of SEC party royalty. 

Oh well. Maybe next time. I'm sure there are plenty of tequila shots to go around. 

PS: I assume you're all here for the pictures so here you go!

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.