Joe Biden Leads US Extremism On Transgender Procedures For Minors

President Joe Biden and the United States are now global outliers on transgender procedures for children.

That's according to the Wall Street Journal, which contrasted the treatment of minors in the U.S. compared to European countries.

And despite what many have claimed, there is no good evidence supporting the claims of transgender activists.

"The European medical community, by contrast, is expressing doubts about that approach. Having allowed these treatments for years, five countries—the U.K., Sweden, Finland, Norway and France—now urge caution in their use for minors, stressing a lack of evidence that the benefits outweigh the risks," the article explains.

It continues, "'These countries have done systematic reviews of evidence,' said Leor Sapir, a fellow who studies transgender care at the conservative-leaning Manhattan Institute think tank. 'They’ve found that the studies cited to support these medical interventions are too unreliable, and the risks are too serious.'”

Meanwhile, in the United States, Joe Biden describes laws to prevent untested, unproven surgeries on children as "hysterical" and "prejudiced."

Sounds about right that the president still pushing for masks at the White House refuses to follow science on transgender care too.


Biden's Transgender Extremism Is Extremely Unpopular

Somehow, parents have followed the science much more closely than Democrats and President Biden.

According to a Washington Post/KFF poll conducted last year and released in May, 68% of those surveyed opposed the use of puberty blockers for those aged 10 to 14.

Meanwhile, Democrats, who claim to be the party of science, continue to advocate for unrestricted transgender surgeries on children.

Many liberal states are passing legislation designed to ensure that teachers can socially transition children behind their family's backs.

If parents then disagree and refuse to "affirm" the child's new gender, the state may take the kids away.

All based on misinformation and disinformation from the U.S.-based medical community.

Why Is the U.S. So Anti-Science?

Many "experts" and doctors claim that there's an anti-science attitude in the United States. And that it predominantly comes from the right or those who criticize them.

Yet experts throughout Europe have agreed that there's no evidence supporting transgender care for children.

The position that far left "experts" in the U.S. wholeheartedly embrace.

Why does this keep happening?

As always, it comes down to politics.

The partisanship in the United States has become so extreme that doctors and researchers are far more committed to advancing liberal political views than they are in acknowledging real risks and rewards.

Similar to how COVID "experts" decided that protests supporting Black Lives Matter were justifiable, while anti-lockdown protests were dangerous super-spreader events.

And because the media agrees with whatever current progressive thought demands, there's no fear of difficult questions.

Transgender activists must be uncritically accepted and encouraged, because they belong to the "correct" ideology.

Despite there being little to no international support for puberty blockers or removing body parts from young kids, Biden and the left universally embrace it.

Denying reality is a feature of modern liberal activists, not a bug.

Written by
Ian Miller is a former award watching high school actor, author, and long suffering Dodgers fan. He spends most of his time golfing, traveling, reading about World War I history, and trying to get the remote back from his dog. Follow him on Twitter @ianmSC