Jennifer Lawrence Says She 'Violently' Threw Up After 'Hot Ones' Interview

Oscar-winning actress and star of the much-talked-about comedy No Hard Feelings, Jennifer Lawrence, says she had a rough time after appearing on the YouTube interview series Hot Ones.

If you're unfamiliar with the series, it's where celebrities eat 10 hot wings — each one spicier than the last — while answering questions. Why? I'm not sure but it's massively popular.

So, to promote the film, Lawrence made an appearance on the show, and impressively ate her way through the Scoville scale-tipping sauces, most of which usually have names like "Nuclear Ass-Kicker" or "Devils Sphincter." Stuff along those lines.

While she managed to get through the wing-eating, it quickly became difficult to keep them down.

"I passionately threw up after. Violently," she said during an appearance on Watch What Happens Live, per Entertainment Weekly. "I made it upstairs to my suite. My holding suite."

That's a real shame because hot wings are expensive these days. Some would consider ralphing up wings you ate for a YouTube series wasteful.

Lawrence Said Her Wing Eating Fiasco Happened At A Fancy Hotel

"We shot at the Four Seasons downstairs," she said. "My stomach gave me, like, eight minutes to get upstairs and then she…. She…"

Lawrence didn't finish that sentence with words, but it sounds like we know that she had to pray to the porcelain god after housing enough pepper heat to kill a small animal.

All I can imagine now is what it would have been like to be a guest in that Four Seasons when Lawrence hoofed it back to her room. Imagine having a drink in the lobby only to have the woman from The Hunger Games and that movie with Javier Bardem that I didn't understand hustling through the posh hotel in serious discomfort, and rambling about hot wings.

That would make every cent you coughed up to stay at that hotel worth it for that story alone.

And speaking of "coughing up" I'm surprised we haven't heard more stories like this as it relates to Hot Ones.

Maybe DJ Khaled was on to something when he noped out of it after like two wings.

No puking for him. No sir, he finished that interview and went back to riding jetskis and giving terrible motivational speeches as he is wont to do.

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.