Influencer's 'Sex Challenge' Leads To At Least 150 Births & Counting

An influencer from Las Vegas is taking credit for a baby boom over the last couple of years. She issued a "sex challenge" to help couples crank up the heat in their relationships. The challenge has resulted in at least 150 births.

Sara Buckley, known as "Not The Worst Mom" on social media, issued the sex challenge back in January 2021. The 36-year-old asked wives who were willing to "for the next 7 days, actively pursue your husband sexually."

She wanted them to "try to have sex every day" if possible. If not all seven days, then at least four or five times within the seven days.

"Get yourself ready, mentally, physically, spiritually, whatever you need to do, in order to commit to a week of basically 'the nasty,'" Buckley told the The Post of the challenge.

"My advice was to try to have sex every day... Then in between actual copulation, send sexy messages, send sexy pictures, if you’re comfortable," she added.

She mentioned throwing in some compliments for the husbands as well by telling them they're good fathers and husbands. A little confidence boost as an added bonus.

Many accepted the challenge and not long after it was issued, Buckley says she started receiving pictures of positive pregnancy tests. Those turned into pictures of the kids.

Once the pics started they kept coming. She said, "They just kept rolling in. If I could go back, I wish I would have started, like, a f–king spreadsheet."

Watch Out A Sex Challenge Might Just Result In A Baby

Buckley puts the number of what are now known as "Sara's tots" at 150, although she thinks the number might actually be as many as 200. Despite the baby boom created by the challenge, that was never the point.

"I didn't specify to use birth control, because I didn't think I had to," she joked. "I was really surprised with how many women were willing to take this on. There is not a group of people that deserve regular sex more than like a wife and mother."

The wives who accepted the challenge and sent in the updates weren't the only ones who reached out to her. The husbands who were aware of what was going on reached out to her as well.

Buckley said, "I definitely got a few messages from husbands that were, like, 'hey, thanks.'"

To those husbands who still have no idea what happened to them that week, and ended up with a kid as a result, you can place the blame on Buckley and your wife's ability to get sucked into social media challenges.

Although, you really should have known something was up and taken proper precautions if you weren't planning to add to the family.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.