Influencer Sends Husband On Scavenger Hunt For Birthday To Let Him Know She Found Out He's Cheating

A TikTok influencer found out days before her husband's 50th birthday that he had been cheating on her. Rather than simply revealing what she had found while snooping through his phone, she opted instead to turn it into a birthday scavenger hunt.

The unsuspecting husband had no idea what he was in for. His wife handed him the first bag and off he was with high hopes of receiving a treasure when it was all over.

What he actually ended up with was a request for a divorce. Which might have been the gift he was subconsciously hoping for anyway.

What she ended up with, other than the satisfaction of kicking him to the curb, is influencing gold in the form of a video that is approaching 4 million views.

"Hello dear, I'm here to say you're 50 now, so happy birthday," the letter in the first bag read. "I must admit, I pulled a stunt, so let's begin your scavenger hunt."

The adventure led him around the couple's property. Along the way he found several bags containing his clothing, his personal hygiene products, and even some of his golf equipment. The final bag was located inside of his truck.

There he found the final letter revealing why his wife had sent him on a scavenger hunt. She had read his text messages with another woman and was sending him packing.

The Cheating Husband Didn't Have Much Of A Response To Being Caught

The letter inside of the final bag, his birthday present if you will, read, "Your bags are packed, now don't you start yellin', I saw the text messages between you and Helen..."

Realizing that he was busted, he takes a short pause before being encouraged to keep reading the letter. He continues, "I'm done with the gaslightin' and screamin' 'til we're hoarse, so my last gift to you is that I want a divorce. Happy Birthday."

Seemingly shocked, his first response was about how she didn't actually get him anything. Either there was nothing there between him and Helen or he was truly caught with his pants down.

When pressed, the cheating husband added "I can't believe you went through my phone." That's not exactly the response of an innocent man.

Nonetheless, it's a good thing that she was able to make some content out of it. And not the crying into the camera "look what I caught my no good husband doing" kind of video. While those have their value, this scavenger hunt was far more entertaining.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.