'HBO Max' Just Rebranded To 'Max' For Some Reason, Maybe Their Marketing Team Just Got Bored
Companies rebrand all the time. Sometimes it's to get away from negative attention. Other times, they do it just to do it. But it's hard to figure out exactly why HBO Max became just "Max" on Tuesday.
Not only did they change the name, but the color scheme. HBO Max had a purple icon. Max is now blue. Big changes coming!
This is one of several rebrands for the HBO streaming service. They previously used HBO Go and HBO Now. For some reason, the company can't seem to settle on a name. But Tuesday, they decided to drop the important part from the name: HBO.

Seems like the part you'd want to keep, no?
The comical part about that is that they now have to explain that Max is where you find HBO.
"Max: The One to Watch for HBO." Hmm. You know what says that whole sentence in two words? HBO Max.
Regardless, people had jokes. Even the Empire State Building got in on the fun.
There's also a string of jokes about the idea of simply using the name Max.
Confusing HBO Max transition to Max also comes with technical headaches
And what would a silly, pointless rebrand be without technical issues? Why, it wouldn't be a pointless, silly rebrand at all!
Great! All boxes checked. Confusing rollout that almost no one realized was coming. Have to download a NEW app (cause who doesn't have enough of those, amirite??). Rebrand that makes no sense and drops the actual brand name from the product.
Seriously, who comes up with this stuff?
What executive was sitting around and came up with "Hey, HBO Max is too many words. Can we shorten it?"
"Great idea, Mitch! Let's drop the HBO!"
"Wait, if anything, we should drop the Max, right?"
"What are you crazy? People identify us by the Max part!"
I'm still going to call it HBO Max. So there.