Harvard Scientist Studying Honesty... Gets Busted For Lying
A Harvard researcher who spent years promoting the positive aspects of honesty ended up getting busted for lying herself.
Yes, in a "you can't make this up" way, Francesca Gino of Harvard Business School is being accused of fabricating her findings while taking the academic community for a whirl spin. There is now an investigation into her studies - some of which have been cited by other political and behavioral scientists hundreds of times. In fact, she's considered one of the leading scholars when it comes to behavioral scientists. Yikes!
The issue at hand revolves around a 2012 paper studying the behavioral aspects of honesty. In this particular study, Dr. Gino asked people to fill out tax documents and how people were more likely to tell the truth at the top rather than at the bottom. However now, the findings may have been tampered with.

Harvard University (Getty Images)
Last week, three scientists released a blog where they say they have direct evidence that Dr. Gino lied. It appears the good doctor was calling everyone else out for not being honest, when she in fact may have been the perpetrator!
Dr. Gino appears to have since been put on administrative leave as Harvard investigates the serious allegations. Since the blog post, other people have come forward questioning the accuracy of other studies that were done as well.
Dr. Gino has not responded to comment, according to the New York Times report.
I mean this is great. Talk about the ultimate call out if this turns out to be true. Can someone say karma? There's nothing better than proving holier-than-thou's and those that think they are smarter than everyone else only to find out that they may have BSed the entire thing. Reminds me about a certain medical doctor.
Also, I think this Spider Man meme fully summarizes this situation.

(Image; ARP Films)