Global Warming Is Now To Blame For Cold Weather, AP Claims
Guys, I've told you it's not in your best interest to ever bend a knee to the climate change terrorists.
Never give up your gas-powered mowers. Hold on strong to your gas stoves. Never let them tell you a battery-powered grill is in your best interest. And for the love of god, never believe them when they try to tell you global warming is causing "extreme cold events" in the United States.
Wait, what? Global warming is causing cold weather?

A winter storm hit Washington in the earlier hours of January 6, shutting down federal offices and schools. The AP says such a storm "could be" a sign of global warming. (Photo by Jon Cherry/Getty Images)
That's the big news out Tuesday from the wokes at the Associated Press who found scientists who told AP writer Seth Borenstein exactly what he wanted to hear.
"Frigid air that normally stays trapped in the Arctic has escaped, plunging deep into the United States for an extended visit that is expected to provoke teeth-chattering but not be record-shattering," Borenstein, whose AP story archive is littered with the typical left-wing climate candy you've come to expect from Lib journalists, wrote.
"It’s a cold air outbreak that some experts say is happening more frequently, and paradoxically, because of a warming world," Seth continues.
This guy wrote the same exact story on January 16, 2024 when the United States was going through a cold January.
"US in deep freeze while much of the world is extra toasty? Yet again, it’s climate change," the headline read.
Hot? climate change.
Cold? Climate change.
Wet? Climate change.
Hurricanes? Didn't have those before climate change.
Wildfires? Climate change.
When in doubt, blame it on climate change and claim that the U.S. government will make it all better with rules and regulations on your gas-powered mowers while China and all sorts of freaks around the world couldn't care less what some AP science writer dork has to say.
"If everything is evidence of climate change, then nothing is evidence of climate change," a Twitter user named Lou wrote Tuesday.