Florida Man Traps Alligator In Smoothest, Most Creative Way I've Ever Seen

Another day, another example of us Florida folks setting the bar for society. 

We zig when the rest of the world zags. We see a sticky situation and attack it with grace and aplomb. We don't run. We don't back down. Ever. 

Some of you mock us, which is fine. We embrace the hate. Use it as fuel. It drives us, each and every day. 

When life hands us lemons, we make the best lemonade possible. And, when life puts a gator in our driveway, we don't call animal control. 

Instead, we gather ourselves, put on our hard hats, and get to work with whatever resources we have:

Florida continues to lead the way

Just the smoothest way to capture a baby dinosaur I've ever seen. It's just brilliant. The nuts on this guy are massive, and the finesse is unmatched. 

This is why Florida folks are built different. It's why I've never understood the hate Florida Man gets. You guys mock us when times are easy, but when the going gets tough, who would you rather have in a foxhole with you? 

I'd take this guy any day of the week. Most people would freeze the second they stepped outside to grab the morning paper and saw this thing staring at them. 

Hell, I think I would, too, and I AM OutKick's Florida Man. 

But not this cat. He grabs one of our handy county-issued trash cans, flips the lid, and gets to work. Never panics, not even for a second. 

Even when he's gingerly walking the beast down a hill and one misstep could lead to death, he takes his time, stays composed, and gets the job done. 

Just a masterclass in creative problem-solving right here. You're welcome, America. 

Once again, Florida leads the way. 

Written by
Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.