Emergency Slide Falls Off Delta Boeing Flight

Another day, another horrific Boeing flight story as airplanes seem to be literally falling apart right in front of our very eyes.

The most recent example occurred early on Friday when a Los Angeles bound flight was forced to return to JFK Airport after the emergency slide fell off after take off!


Kind of hard to look at the emergency manual when the very thing that you're supposed to use in the case of an emergency is floating back down to the ground outside your window. 

The Delta flight safely made it back to JFK with no further disruptions as the crew said that they felt a "vibration," when the pilots noticed that the emergency chute had fallen off. There is an ongoing investigation into what exactly went wrong.

It's the latest blunder by a Boeing aircraft that has many people rightfully scared to death about flying in the company's jetliners. In recent months there have been a number of horrific incidents that miraculously haven't led to any deaths. In one instance, the emergency window blew open causing passengers to nearly be sucked out of the plane thanks to faulty mechanical work on the aircraft. 

Disturbingly, Boeing had 6 flight issues in just 10 days last month. The last thing people want to hear when they are 30,000 feet in the air and at the mercy of a couple inches of material in a jet-fueled cylinder.

An FAA audit of Boeing aircraft in January found that the plane manufacturer failed dozens of inspections as well as had at least 97 incidents of non-compliance.

In the words of EVERYONE who flies - hey Boeing, how about you figure this out and stop putting our lives at risk!

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Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.