Drunk Guy Goes To Airport, Forgets To Put On Clothes

Forget the quad, we're going streaking through the airport!

That's what one hammered guy did as he tried channeling his inner Will Ferrell in Old School on Monday, parading around the Fort Lauderdale, Florida airport in the nude. 

Color me shocked that this happened to a Florida man - would have never guessed it. You keep making us proud, Florida. 


36-year-old Martin Evitmov was letting it all fly out Monday when he decided to drive up to the airport, park on the sidewalk and then go for a stroll around the airport located in the Sunshine state. (The jokes keep writing themselves on a Wednesday, folks!)

Forget the airplane wing flaps, Evitmov was doing his own flapping away as video shows onlookers absolutely mortified and doing everything they can to avoid coming into contact with him as he casually made his way through FLL's Terminal 1. Emitov made the most of his drunk escapade - first stopping by and scaring plenty of retirees in the check-in line before then striking up some lovely conversation with the cops at the TSA security check point and eventually inspecting some people's luggage over at the baggage conveyor belt. 

All with no clothes on. 

(Side note: I'm still trying to figure out if Delta will cover any sort of refund policy if a naked guy decides to touch your luggage. Maybe it's in the fine print?)


Eventually, TSA agents and police apprehended Emitov, who put up a little bit of a fight before being forced butt naked on the ground for all to see way more than they wanted to. And you thought you had a rough Monday!

Emitov was eventually arrested and booked for multiple offenses including ‘exposure of sexual organs,’ and a couple resisting arrest and assault charges. The judge also banned him from going back to the airport.

"I’m giving no return to the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport, the judge told Emitov during his Tuesday court hearing. He was also ordered to undergo a mental health evaluation which, honestly I think is a little bit of a stretch and seems like discrimination against a guy who just loves his cocktails. Oh no, I did it again.  


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Mike “Gunz” Gunzelman has been involved in the sports and media industry for over a decade. He’s also a risk taker - the first time he ever had sushi was from a Duane Reade in Penn Station in NYC.