Drag Queen Story Hour Called Off At North Carolina Art Museum After Protest
A drag queen story hour at the North Carolina Museum of Art where "queer role models" were to read books to children as young as two-years-old has been called off after public outcry.
The partially tax-payer-funded art museum quietly called off the event where Stormie Daie was set to handle reading duties. "Stormie is a daughter of Durham's House of Coxx, the first drag family of Durham, N.C.," the museum's PR team wrote in its event promotion.
North Carolina State Rep. Tim More, who serves as house speaker, told The Carolina Journal the event had been canceled and removed from the museum's website.
Drag Queen Story Hour, the worldwide movement (Japan is even getting in on the drag queening) where drag queens enter libraries, schools, and bookstores to hold these book-reading events, was the sponsor of the event. DQSH claims its role is to capture "the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamourous, positive and unabashedly queer role models."
Interesting. Nice word salad.
What was wrong with the days of white-haired old ladies sitting there reading books about puppies and adventure? Those ladies must've been doing something wrong because now we have "queer role models" who are here to save the day one book hour at a time.
According to Sara Gonzales, host of "The News and Why It Matters" at BlazeTV, this is all about creating a world of confusion for children with the ultimate goal of radicalizing them.
"And what is the best way to confuse children? Confuse them about their sexuality, confuse them about their gender, expose them to things that their little brains are not ready for yet," Gonzales told Tucker Carlson during his Tuesday night show while talking about the situation in Plano, Texas where a young child ended up at a drag queen brunch where a song pumped out the word "pu--y" 83 times.
"It is leading to chaos, and big daddy government, of course, can be there to pick us all up and take care of us at the end of it."
North Carolina House Speaker Tim Moore (R.-Cleveland, NC) says he's appalled by the museum story hour. “The sexualization of young children is unacceptable, and parents will not stand for it,” he told The Carolina Journal, while adding he will ensure tax dollars aren't used for future drag queen book events.
Washington Post columnist Monica Hesse wrote in June that the Big Bad Wolf in the debate over drag queen book hours are the people who wonder what happened to some old lady reading books over drag queens.
You're the problem, Hesse says.
"(T)his current drama has two clear sides. On one side you have flamboyant, dramatic characters who are trying to mess with the minds of children. And on the other side you have drag queens," Hesse writes.
Interesting take. Let's see how this plays out.