David Hookstead Unleashes Epic 4th of July Speech, OutKick Readers Celebrate Independence Day: VIDEO
The 4th of July is officially in the books, and it certainly seems like OutKick readers had an awesome time.
Independence Day is an opportunity to come together, drink some beers, eat some great food and celebrate the greatest country in the history of the world.
No matter what flaws America might have, we're still by far and away the greatest place to live in the world. Did you wake up in the USA? Congrats, you already won the lottery.
In what won't come as a surprise to anyone, I go absolutely wild for July 4th. The crew decided to hit up the morning Nats/Mets game in D.C. to get the festivities going.
Naturally, I had to fire up the camera and get people ready to run through a wall. Grab a beer and smash play button on what might be the greatest Independence Day speech ever given. Let me know your thoughts at David.Hookstead@outkick.com.
The only downside was it felt like the surface of the sun. It was brutally hot out Thursday, but much like the boys in the Revolutionary War, there was no quit in us.
We pushed through. We weren't going to let scorching hot temps stop us from having an epic time.

A live look at me trying to not sweat my butt off at the Nats/Mets game. (Credit: David Hookstead)
Also, I have to admit that my Red Dawn shirt was a hit all day everywhere we went. I found it on the website of new OutKick member Super 70s Sports.
The very first person I came in contact with at The Bullpen prior to the game said, "That shirt is awesome." I knew things would be rolling all day at that point.
We finished out the day by bar hopping, hitting up a friend's party, and then closing out the evening at Dirty Water to watch the fireworks. I was in such a good mood that I treated the bar to pizza.
You don't need to call me a hero. We'll let the history books decide that one. Now, that's enough about me. Let's roll with what OutKick readers did.

A look at some of the pizza I treated the bar to. (Credit: David Hookstead)
OutKick readers celebrate the 4th of July.
You now know how I spent the day. How did all of you spend the day? I'm happy to report it wasn't disappointing at all. As expected, OutKick readers crushed it.
Check out what everyone did below:
Shoutout to everyone who crushed it celebrating Independence Day. Never apologize for loving America. I certainly won't and the fact you're reading this tells me you won't either. Let me know what you think at David.Hookstead@outkick.com.