Danica Patrick Is Unapologetic In Her Love For America, Stance On Gender

Former NASCAR and IndyCar – and Sports Illustrated swimsuit! – star Danica Patrick has spent the past four months diving into politics, which can only mean one thing …

She's become public enemy No. 1 for the crazies on social media. 

That, in itself, can also only mean one thing: she's not a democrat. Perhaps not a republican, but definitely not a democrat. 

Patrick dipped her toe into the political waters last fall when she interviewed RFK Jr. She's since been pretty vocal about supporting him. 

Shortly after that podcast went viral, Danica again made waves when she enjoyed herself a nice weekend in Arizona at a Turning Point USA event. 

TPUSA is an organization focused on conservative ideals and targets the younger demographic. 

Anyway, those two things had progressives on social media standing outside Danica's virtual door with virtual pitchforks, because that's where we are in 2024. 

Fortunately, the ex-NASCAR star ain't backing down, and she made that clear in a recent interview with Isabel Brown (the below part starts around the 6-minute mark)

"We come from a family that's very much conservative and back republicans, so it was a good place to be," Patrick told Brown of the TPUSA event. "If you love America, there's Red, White and Blue everywhere. It was really cool. So, I posted about it, and people just seemed to think I was just some radical, crazy MAGA person. 

"I was like, ‘Wow.’ All I really said was that I love America. I found it really sad and shocking that that could be so polarizing."

Danica Patrick gets a taste of how miserable politics are in 2024

Welcome to politics in 2024, Danica Patrick! It's why I despise it, frankly. Some people love it. They crave it. I can't stand where we are. It's silly. 

But you don't care what I think, and I don't blame you. 

You do care what Danica Patrick thinks, so here's more sanity from the ex-racer, who was then asked about receiving a ton of backlash for defending women's rights in sports during this current transgender movement. 

"For sure, (I was) surprised," Patrick said about the backlash. "Just doesn't seem like these beliefs – whether it's ‘There are two genders,’ or, ‘I love America’ – should be really not clear to people. We just live in a weird time where, any kind of conservative belief system, you can't even talk about it. 

"You just can't be proud of those things anymore."

What a second act for Danica Patrick, huh? Didn't see it coming. I'll be honest, I couldn't stand her when she was in NASCAR. I don't think a lot of fans could. I know a lot of F1 fans don't like her right now, but that's a different story. 

But this version of Danica Patrick? I'm all-in. Give me more of it. It's refreshing, especially given that it's an election year. 

The good news is, it doesn't seem like Danica's about to simmer down in the slightest. Frankly, she's too big, too popular, and too successful to really care what any lunatics on social media say. 

It doesn't faze her, nor should it. 

Buckle up for political Danica taking the green flag!

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Zach grew up in Florida, lives in Florida, and will never leave Florida ... for obvious reasons. He's a reigning fantasy football league champion, knows everything there is to know about NASCAR, and once passed out (briefly!) during a lap around Daytona. He swears they were going 200 mph even though they clearly were not.