Content Queen Elizabeth Hurley Floating Around In A Pool, Eagles Kid Middle Fingers Bills Fan & Cops Pit Maneuver A Tractor

Let's get back to work and finish out 2023 strong

How am I doing this morning after one of the toughest football weekends since the Bengals couldn't stop the Rams in the fourth quarter of Super Bowl LVI?

I'm OK.

Tired, but OK.

As most of you know, I made the trip north to Ann Arbor for a tailgate with a bunch of Michigan fans I've known for several years. This was my third trip to Michigan with this group, so I knew it was going to be a very long day and it lived up to the billing.

Back in 2019 when I made my first trip, Michigan fans were in a very dark place. They'd beaten Ohio State like once in 15 years. They were beaten down and broken by years of Urban Meyer owning their ass. Ryan Day beat Harbaugh for the second straight time, I was drinking beers inside Michigan Stadium smuggled in via a guy's hoodie after the 56-27 drubbing, and times had never been better.

Now the times have changed and I have to sit there as Michigan fans celebrate victory and their trip to the college football final four.

It's hard, but it's the life you choose the minute you decide to go into these enemy territories with the enemy. It's also the life you decide to live when you're in the content game. I can't get the content from my couch. I have to go into the belly of the beast and make myself vulnerable.

I have to allow Michigan fans to scream in my face. I have to allow Michigan fans to double-barrel middle-finger me and call me a few names -- Michigan students are typically East Coast super nerds who don't get too crazy -- on their way home to celebrate in their stadium condos.

All in all it was a great day. TNMLer Jason Vickers stopped by to have a couple of beers. TNML founding father Diesel was there.

I also met a nice father-son duo of John and Jake. John is dad. One half of his face was painted red and the other side was painted white. His son was wearing Michigan gear. It turns out they're from Long Island. John was the only Ohio State fan in a Sprinter van with 10 other Michigan fans, including his wife who was rooting for the Wolverines to support her nephew who attends Michigan.

John told me he grew up without a college football team, but then, one fall he became a Woody Hayes fan and that was it, Ohio State was his team for life. His brother chose Michigan.

I can't stop thinking of that 12-hour ride John had to endure Sunday with his family, and his wife, celebrating a victorious weekend.

It will be tough to hear Michigan fans have bragging rights, again, and to hear them talking about their big final four game. But, as a sports fan, this is the life I chose and now, like John, I must endure.

Oh, and Jake Browning couldn't do anything against the Steelers.

• Shawn from Canby, OR writes:

Sorry about the big game loss.

Not sure how invested you were.

Plenty of room on the Go Ducks bandwagon if you want to hop on.

Huck the Fuskies


I can't wait to watch the Pac-10 title game with perfect weather conditions. I've cleared my Friday night schedule for this one. I'm not picking sides. Just give me another classic and I'll be happy.

• Beavers fan Ron in Lake O., OR writes:

Here in OrE🔫 where we just celebrated a MASSIVE!! 2A win in State Court, they played the Civil War or whatever the Lib Libs called it on Friday night. Alas, the Beavers didn't ruin the Xucks chances to get into the PAC 12 Championship Game. 

However, OSU did win the Snark Game. In the process of shading U of O (I respect a team that puts the exact number of Collegiate National Football titles they have won at the 50 Yard line "O") they took some great shots at those other two Football TV (we all know this is Fox v ESPN) Conferences with the following Ad:

Per beauty. 

Sadly for me 50+ years of PAC (insert # here) tradition ended watching my Cal Bears STOMP the CU LA baby bears.  Sigh...

Lastly, back in September when our hero Mel T got fired I turned to a good buddy and said, over a Jaime Garcia Super Gordo cigar and a Yellow Spot Irish Coffee (we were watching the Fox Big Noon Kick Off game, probably that team whose name you can't say) and I said, "Jonathan Smith is sure going to look good in Michigan State Green next year."

Well that's all for now.

Keep up the amazing work.


It figures that in the final year of the Pac-12, I'd finally start hearing from Pac-12 fans. It also figures that in the final year of the conference we have one of the best Pac-12 seasons of the 21st century.

I don't know if you can credit NIL 100% for this, but it's nice to have college football emotions spread from coast to coast after so many years of very little buzz west of Oklahoma.

• Steve N. from Lindale, TX says:

Sorry about your loss today against Michigan, that was a tough one… I had to weigh in on the Sunrise/Sunset subject. I'm a Sunset guy but I appreciate a good Sunrise when I'm awake for one. When I saw this shot while watching the game, I just had to send it.

Great shot from the network cameraman. It says something special that I thought of the SC community while enjoying my holiday? Thanks buddy and keep up the great work.


It's hard to believe we have one more SEC game to go on CBS before the shift to ESPN/ABC. It's also hard to believe, based on the history of the SEC on CBS, that the television network has had the SEC contract since 1996. It feels like CBS invented SEC football broadcasting and it started way before 1996.

Stop and think about how far TV has come: The 1993 Iron Bowl wasn't televised because Auburn, who defeated Bama 22-14 to finish the season undefeated at 11-0, was on probation.

• Michael in Charleston, SC writes:

The roughing the passer penalty on Baron Browning in the Broncos/Browns game was pathetic but predictable.  I'm pretty sure this will eventually be Roger Goodell explaining where a QB can be hit.  


Here's the hit Michael is referencing. I just wondered how many beers the old lady at the end of the video crushed at the game. That old lady parties!

Screencaps reader ticket and tailgating network

• Jess in Alabama writes:

That made me laugh when you recently said I was up late. With this baby I am up all the time! And delirious haha

Random thought for Christmas gifts:

If your wife (well, mostly wives, but I know there are some ladies reading this like me) also loves sports, maybe we could start a network of helping each other with tickets to games. I’m sure there are a big number of readers with season tickets to a game. How perfect a gift to go for a weekend and have a fellow screencaps reader hook you up with tickets? And maybe great tailgating? This is the stuff my husband and I love for a weekend away. Just a thought.

Hope you’re doing okay after that rough OSU loss.


I'm very pro-immersive experiences like what Jess is talking about and I think Screencaps readers are exactly the type of consumers who are looking for the unique from the sports world.

Have you been thinking about attending a huge game? Have you thought about a sports bucket list and how to make it unique? Ask questions here or get on the Screencaps Facebook Group and ask the questions. Don't go begging for tickets, but don't be shy about asking if a reader is running a tailgate at an event. Connect with these people.


Dolly Parton halftime show review -- that wasn't sexy!

• Dean from Monroe, GA would like to have a word with you weirdos:

Good lord! I love Dolly, but no way was that performance, hot , sexy, or cute.

She is 77 yo! Im 65 and I just don't see what the fascination is. She lost the fastball 20 yrs ago. Reminded me of my bar hoppin' days when we would make fun of the old women trying to look young. Just imagine what she would look like in the mornin without all the work on her make-up. The sad part is the cowboy outfit. America's team my ass!

Age gracefully, no one wants to see that. Lipstick on a pig. This fascination with" she looks good for her age" is bullshit, same as fat chicks doing commercials. Who wants to see that?

I know people will give me shit, but really? Really? Come sit in the recliner with the rest of us ol folks. just not attractive, no way, shape or form.

Military photos taken by Screencaps readers for Todd Z., who revealed late last week that he has one helluva patio setup

• Mike T. in Idaho sent in this one from the Idaho Veterans Cemetery:

Beau in Toledo checks in after the holiday weekend

• Buckle up, Beau IS BACK!

(Not sure why ghooghul is being ghey, but i was FORCED by the algo's to send this as a "forwarded" email... I hope the pics and rant go through.)

AnyWho, I Hope You and Everyone in ScreenCaps Nation had a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving and none of Us tried to burn down the house via turkey frying...

Unattended turkey fryer leads to heavy fire damage at Burlington home - ABC11 Raleigh-Durham

(The Stabbing of Birds pic I added was to add big cloves of garlic... It was a Blessing to get a bite of one of them!)

I must confess, I didn't see Thursday's 'Caps until Thursday afternoon, because I was working on getting the two +20# (that's a pound sign noobs, not a hashtag) birds ready for the rotisserie, but don't for a nanosecond think that i didn't see Jack V.'s link, and it *DID* resonate...  As soon as I clicked the link (and saved it as a Favorite! Thanks Jack V.!), isht started to fall together... Mrs. Beau in Toledo's microwave went Maximum Overdrive on Her on Tuesday (it should NOT operate with the door open)... and on Thanksgiving Day, My Brother's MIL'S nuke decided to go on strike when little stuff needed reheating and the ovens and stove were full (do NOT underestimate an Italian Lady's ability to adapt in a kitchen; dinner was PHENOMENAL!) 

Even Your dude Zach Dean ( had issues with his SIL's fridge dropping a heater (somewhat literally) ... but the legless bird?!? nah Bro, y'all gonna hafta beat up his email on that one, Lieutenant Dan jokes abound! 

Dolly Parton Turns On Tony Romo, Heidi Klum Gives Thanks In Lingerie & A Legless Turkey On Thanksgiving – OutKick

I even alerted a few buddies in the HAM Radio field (not yet a member) with Jack V.'s link, but they already knew... coronal mass ejaculations, imean, ejections, can wreak havoc on sensitive devices... Pay attention to the Sun, kids...

WW2 pics always get me, ftr... that's a reincarnation rant for another day...

I wanted to Mower-Jack my Thanksgiving Host's Cub Cadet to tidy up His yard for ThanksGiving Day, just sayin, #TNML...

Gotta keep Green On Point, so do whatcha gotta do...

Enjoy the Time/Temp change sleep pattern, Joe... it'll self adjust, even quicker if You keep Mrs. Screencaps awake a little while longer... I'm old, I know things. 

Let EarlyHunter know (not sure if i'm allowed to give that moniker to Him , but anyway) that some of us add pellets in our offset's coal pile to add smoke flavor... I do have to admit the "outdoor easy-bake oven" joke is kinda funny tho... own it!  Then own the haters with 80's Hair Metal Trivia while the Pellets are getting their Smoke on...

The Friends Thing?

Kyle Brandt is a waste of time... he made his choice.


To Christain A. in Cali...


Take an extra minute to take pride in the Fact that Your HS Family is Family that You Grew with.

I used to think the school thing You described was just a Whitmer HS thing... We had several local Catholic/Church Festivals that became impromptu Whitmer HS Reunions that many of us would attend, every year, and not because someone we knew was running the beer trailer.  We always seemed to reconnect, talk cliques, baseball, football, the Hottest Cheerleaders, who married who, etc.  Always a good night.  Memories are profound.  Heck, I ran into a HS crush a few months back at Costco... she giggled when i asked her if she still wore Georgio perfume...

Just so You know, my HS Diploma turns 35 in June of '24.

I have Friends... let me correct that, BROTHERS, that i've known since grade school... DougieMac and Turtle, 2nd and 3rd grade, respectively, as well as Brothers that I have acquired from those branches of Brothers, Shitty (a play on his last name, as well as his disposition), and PimpChuckie... we all graduated with and around each other, as well as a few others... 

Let it be known, and no, it's not because I spent the last couple of days in the 

Y-Town area, that I would hide bodies for My Bros...

Credit Pops for this... Blood is Family, but Family is, more often than not, more than Blood.

Beau In Toledo

(Life's Short, hit SEND)


I know that email is LOADED and you might not have been able to follow along. That's his style and Beau is pretty much in the Screencaps Hall of Fame, so you need to put some respect on this guy.

My takeaways:

• Beau also sent this:

Staying in touch with high school friends

• Tim in Texas City, TX writes:

I have a group of about 8 guys I've been really great friends with since high school. We were always a close-knit group, so much so that when a few of us went to college, some of the guys who weren't even going to school moved to College Station to live/work just to keep the group together.

Other guys went to nearby schools, and the couple of guys who weren't able to move nearby always came to visit on weekends. I specifically remember coming to the exact same conclusion Kyle Brandt just did back in college.

We all agreed that we didn't really need any new friends, we were all set. Sure, we all made our acquaintances through college then work, and would occasionally bring them into the fold but nobody new ever really became part of the group.

I'm 38 now and I still talk/text with all of those guys, at least one of them every day, usually multiple.

• Galen in Johnson City, TN says:

Hope you are enjoying the season of HalloThanksMas where everyone seems to bundle them all together.

Christian A in Cali wondered about the high school circle of friends. Well, we just had our annual “Boys of 75 Black Friday Breakfast” today. Been friends since our graduation almost 49 years ago. Many of us go all the way back to elementary school. My oldest friend and I talked today about the Kennedy assassination and what we remembered from that fateful day in 1st grade…60 years later!

I tried to use my iPhone camera filters on the pic and eliminate some aging, gray hair, wrinkles, etc. What do you know…It worked!

And an oddity I didn't expect to read this morning

That's it this morning. I know you're tired. I know your brain doesn't know what day it is. I know you're struggling. This is when you make your money on days like these. The weak give 25% effort at work. You're going to show up and own the day. Your boss is going to notice. Your customers will recognize your effort.

Your sales team will perk up because you're dialed in.

Your board of directors will recognize that you came back from Thanksgiving ready to put the hammer down into December.

Remember, it's still NOVEMBER!

Let's go have a strong day.


Numbers from :

Stuff You Guys Sent In & Stuff I Like :

Written by
Joe Kinsey is the Senior Director of Content of OutKick and the editor of the Morning Screencaps column that examines a variety of stories taking place in real America. Kinsey is also the founder of OutKick’s Thursday Night Mowing League, America’s largest virtual mowing league. Kinsey graduated from University of Toledo.