Congressman Wesley Hunt Responds To Charles Barkley's Comment About Punching Black Trump Supporters

NBA legend Charles Barkley had a wild meltdown on his show King Charles — which practically no one watches — in which he said he'd punch a Black Donald Trump supporter if he saw them walking around in a t-shirt with the former president's mugshot on it.

It was so wild that his co-host and Oprah's bestest gal pal Gayle King tried to throw him a life preserver, but he doubled down.

Now, Congressman and combat veteran Wesley Hunt — who just so happened to have been at the speech that Barkley was referring to — has offered his rebuttal.

Hunt offered his thoughts during an appearance on the podcast The Benny Show.

"For the record, when things like (Trump's remarks) get taken out of context and they play clips like that, that's how nefarious and how deceitful our media is. It's pretty sad," Hunt said.

"So, what you don't know is that sitting over President Trump's left shoulder during that moment was me," he continued. "I was sitting right behind him during a two-hour speech that was given in front of over 300 Black conservatives, and if you put that within the context of which he said that, it was absolutely hilarious. No one would have walked out. And, by the way, it was a two-hour speech about policy. About how the Biden administration has destroyed the Black community. About how he wants to restore the prominence of the Black community and get back to a successful place for all Americans."

Sooooo… which part of that aren't you digging, Chuck?

Hunt Reminded Barkley, CNN Why Context Matters

Of course, the Round Mound of Rebound was responding to a cherry-picked quote completely out of context. As Hunt noted, there was an awful lot of context to it that was left out.

"It was a two-hour speech, and you know how candid President Trump gets," Hunt said. "He speaks off the top of his head, he got comfortable, he was joking, he was jovial; we all loved it.

"(CNN) didn't point out the 300 Black people sitting there connecting with this man. It's sad and it's pathetic."

So, what does Hunt — who represents Texas' 38th District — think of Barkley's proclamation that he'll punch any Black Trump supporter he sees wearing a mugshot shirt?

Well, while Hunt acknowledged he was a fan of Barkley's during his playing days, he doesn't think Barkley would dare punch him in the face when he throws on his Trump mugshot t-shirt.

"I don't think he's going to punch this combat veteran in the face," Hunt said. "Now, I know he's 6-foot-4, 350, and I've got it, but I guarantee you if I wore that shirt — or when I wear that shirt — he's not going to punch me."

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Matt is a University of Central Florida graduate and a long-suffering Philadelphia Flyers fan living in Orlando, Florida. He can usually be heard playing guitar, shoe-horning obscure quotes from The Simpsons into conversations, or giving dissertations to captive audiences on why Iron Maiden is the greatest band of all time.