Charles Barkley Has A Lib Meltdown, Says He Wants To Punch Black Donald Trump Supporters

Charles Barkley's Trump Derangement Syndrome Rears Ugly Head

Chuck had a good run.

Former NBA star and TNT analyst Charles Barkley, 61, issued a ridiculous response to a joke about the Black community made by former President Donald Trump.

Trump made the comments at a rally in South Carolina last week. 

Racism, election denial, Trump's a danger to the country … Charles Barkley went off the deep end in his segment on his CNN show, co-hosted by Gayle King.

Charles Barkley's Panties In A Twist over Donald Trump

Barkley gave an ignited response to Black Trump voters, saying he could punch any Black person supporting No. 45 and his mugshot moment after Trump made a crack about it at his rally.

"When I did the mug shot in Atlanta, that mug shot is No. 1," Trump said. "You know who embraced it more than anyone else? The Black population."

The Black people in attendance for the Black Conservative Federation Honors Gala didn't take offense to Trump's joke. 

Charles Barkley had a different response — letting the Trump Derangement Syndrome do the talking, pulling the identity politics card in a rare "L" moment for the Chuckster.

He told Gayle King, "First of all, I'm just gonna say this: if I see a Black person walking around with Trump's mugshot, I'm [gonna] punch him in the face."


‘I’m So Rich The Law Doesn't Apply,' Says Lib Elite Barkley

Gayle appeared surprised and reminded Barkley that "assault" charges are still a thing in this country.

But like a true lib elite, Barkley said he'd be willing to pay his way out of trouble in order to punch Trump and his supporters.

"I will bail myself out and go celebrate," Barkley told King. "If I was at that conference I would have got up and walked out. That was an insult to all Black people."

Safe to say … Barkley's rebuke of Trump and the Black community who supports Trump will join Joe Biden's "You ain't Black!" moment in complete TDS lunacy. 

He continued, "To compare Black history, when we've been discriminated against, to his plight—first of all, he's a billionaire, and they're prosecuting him for stuff he did wrong. … Well, some of the stuff is true. They did storm the Capitol, they did say that the election was stolen. Those aren't lies, Gayle.

"He's had a great life. He's been President of the United States. To insult Black people who have been discriminated against all these years, to put them in the same category." He added, "I was just offended."

C'mon Man!

Typically, Barkley's good at saying the quiet part out loud; though in this case, Barkley made more sense with the channel on mute. Barkley's hate for Trump joins an echelon of liberal pundits with an appeal of common sense, like Bill Maher, but stay adamantly anti-Trump for ‘ethical’ reasons. 

The ‘Inside the TNT’ star recently shared that he activated an Instagram account, a bold foray for Barkley to establish his online brand.

Go woke, go broke!

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Alejandro Avila lives in Southern California and previously covered news for the LA Football Network. Jeopardy expert and grumpy sports fan. Known for having watched every movie and constant craving for dessert. @alejandroaveela (on X)