Charlie Sheen's Neighbor Arrested For Forcing Her Way Into His Home & Trying To Strangle Him

Charlie Sheen's neighbor stopped by his door on Wednesday, but she wasn't there to exchange season's greetings or ask to borrow any sugar. According to the police, his 47-year-old neighbor was there to attack the 58-year-old actor.

Law enforcement sources tell FOX News, "Sheen heard knocking on his door, slightly opened it and saw his neighbor Electra Schrock standing there. Schrock pushed her way into Sheen’s home and began grabbing at him and his neck."

"Sheen tried to get away from Schrock, but she pursued him through his home. Schrock grabbed at Sheen’s neck multiple times, eventually ripping his shirt."

"Sheen was able to call 911 while he was being attacked and while on the line with 911 continued to yell at Schrock to let him go. Neighbors heard the commotion and were able to intervene and help get the suspect out of the residence."

"Sheen told police that the suspect lives above him upstairs. Sheen told police that he had a previous issue with Schrock, prior to this incident."

Charlie Sheen Had Other Run-Ins With The Neighbor

While he's uncertain of what prompted her alleged attack, the issues with Sheen's neighbor reportedly started recently when she squirted some type of sticky liquid on his car.

A source told TMZ that Sheen spoke to his neighbor about the incident with his car and that "their conversation was something to the effect of letting bygones be bygones."

So much for that. The day before the attack, the woman is said to have dumped trash on his doorstep. Again, not exactly fitting in with the holiday season.

After the attack, the woman was arrested at her home. Paramedics arrived on the scene, but Sheen was not taken to the hospital. Schrock was reportedly booked for assault with a deadly weapon as well as burglary.

It's safe to assume that if Sheen had purchased a Christmas gift for the neighbor that he'll be returning it.

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Sean is a cubicle life escapee and proud member of OutKick's Culture Department. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners, and puppies - only one of those things is true.