Champions League Host Eva Murati Gets Into Lingerie Modeling & Cements Herself As A Must Follow
Eva Murati taught us that you can't sit around and feel sorry for yourself when your team loses. She, without missing a beat, got right back up and recovered from Albania's disappointing loss over the summer with a bikini vacation.
It was then that the Albanian actress, model, and Champions League host first made an appearance on the radar. She was crossing over from the soccer world to a relatively new audience in the States.
The 29-year-old was back on Tuesday afternoon cementing herself as a must follow on Instagram. She had another message to share with her growing following and once again found herself on our radar.
That message for both soccer fans and those who aren’t is that timing is everything. We're days into February and if you were going to get into lingerie modeling there isn’t a more perfect time to do so.
Go ahead and add lingerie model to Eva's bio. She was stopping folks in their tracks all over the social media platform with her work for Yamamay.
Eva Murati showed up on Instagram feeds everywhere modeling lingerie
If you're making your debut as a lingerie model, this is how it's done. Eva just went for it. Both feet in. Whether it's bikini vacations or racking up sales for Valentine’s Day, she goes for it.
That fearlessness is a valuable asset, as is being able to branch out and keep updating an already impressive set of skills. What can’t she do?
She's an actress, she's a model, she's a soccer host with a large social media following, and now she's modeling lingerie at the biggest time of the year for brands everywhere.
Talent on top of talent. Good luck slowing her down. If folks are serious about growing the game of soccer, put that responsibility in Eva Murati's hands. She'll figure it out.
You don’t need Lionel Messi running around in Miami to make the sport more popular.