Benghazi Attack Allegations Shock The Internet, Drama Explodes: 'F**k Off'
Allegations over the actions taken by Americans during the 2012 Benghazi attack are going viral.
Four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, were killed in an attack in Benghazi, Libya on September 11-12, 2012 in a terrorist attack that turned into an international incident.
The attack also turned into a massive political scandal for President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. It dogged the latter throughout her 2016 campaign for President.
Now, the situation is, once again, going viral amid competing narratives surrounding the involvement of Delta Force operators.
Benghazi attack claims go viral.
The infamous terrorist attack is back in the news after the "Antihero Podcast" - an incredibly popular podcast focused mostly on the military and first responders - hinted multiple times that the movie "13 Hours" might not be the full story.
Specifically, people are eager to learn what the two Delta Force operators on the ground that night did. Neither has ever spoken out, and I won't be sharing their names here.
The "Antihero Podcast" - which is hosted, in part, by Delta Force veteran Brent Tucker - is also not the only one to suggest the true story might be different, especially when it comes to the two Tier One operators there.
Former Delta Force operator Dave Nielsen told me the same thing on the record during a 2024 interview.
Well, John "Tig" Tiegen, a man who was a member of the team repelling the attack, came out swinging on X Saturday morning.
He took aim at the two Delta Force operators and, more or less, suggested they didn't do anything. He went viral with the following statement in response to a clip from the "Antihero Podcast" I tweeted:
"Actually our book is how it happened that night! We explain what we did, what we saw and what we heard. The Delta boys were not there from beginning to the end, they showed just before the last attack started and tossed Rone and Bub off the roof. That’s was the extent of their participation in that night. For the ones that actually did the fighting would love to know what they were doing, especially while I was rendering aid to the guys blown up on the roof! Let’s not forget the lies they told to Rone and Bubs family about getting them off the roof respectfully.. can’t wait to hear the excuses for that one! Maybe now you’ll get more comments thanks to guys that actually fought that night."
He further added the following about how Ambassador Stevens' body was recovered (Nielsen's version of this event is not the same, for what it's worth):
"Let me add one more thing, since this click bait podcast is stating the truth on how ambassador Steven’s body was recovered as never came out. We have stated that a few times, so here I go again. Stevens body was found around 1- 1:30 in the morning inside his room at the consulate. (Before D-boys arrived in Benghazi) It was the looters that found his body and dragged him out. The neighbor noticed who he was and he’s the one seen dragging the ambassador to his vehicle to take him straight to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead. But not officially until 3am (while the D-boys were sitting at the Benghazi airport for hours) the morning when we got confirmation, it was him. So technically the only American that died that night on 911 2012 was Sean Smith, Air Force Vet. It was Gaddafi‘s men that went to the hospital while every American was sitting at the Benghazi airport and recovered ambassador body and brought his body to us to bring home back to America. Ambassador Stevens was never tortured mutilated or raped. I personally saw the video footage saw the blankness in his eyes from the beginning to the end of his body being taken to the hospital. Originally, they were supposed to go to the hospital, but since it was being controlled by the militia attacking us, they did not go. so thank you very much D-boys for your participation! Semper Fi Always Move Forward."
John sent me the following in response to a message I sent John on X about the situation:
"I saw his body get recovered first hand and was at the airport when his body was brought to us by Gaddafi‘s military. The only thing I saw the Delta force guys do was throw Ron‘s body off the roof and get Dave off the roof. That was all they did. You guys wanna sit there and say we fabricated the book you can f*ck off."
This is a classic example of a situation where *MORE* information is the best solution. John Tiegen also isn't the only member of the security team who has, more or less, implied Delta didn't do anything.
Kris Paronto said something similar during his Shawn Ryan interview, and said he didn't know what they were doing during the attack. You can see his comments around 3:48:00.
So, on one side, we have guys who were there and are public suggesting the two Delta Force operators on the ground didn't do anything or they don't know what they were doing. On the other side, we have people from Delta Force who weren't there but are close to the two operators, saying that's absolutely not accurate.
Seeing as how both men were awarded the military's second-highest honor, it's hard for me to believe they didn't do their jobs in a way to justify the award.
If someone there can prove differently, then let's see the evidence. I'm an open-minded guy, and the search for truth doesn't take breaks.
What do you think happened in Benghazi, and what do you think the two Delta Force operators did? Let me know at