Fighter Jet Pilot Watches Apache Helicopter Obliterate Terrorists
Apache helicopters are an incredible piece of military technology.
The Apache helicopter is one of the deadliest pieces of military vehicles/equipment ever designed. It's a flying death machine that rains hell on whoever finds themselves on the business end of one. Former fighter pilot Jason Cooper watched it unfold firsthand while in Iraq.
Jason recently joined me on American Joyride to discuss a variety of topics, and he shared a wild story about watching an Apache light up a group of terrorists.
You can watch Jason explain the insane story below starting around 57:00, and make sure to send me your thoughts to
Fighter Jet Pilot Jason Cooper Gets Honest About America's Insane Air Power, Combat Experiences | American Joyride
I certainly hope you all enjoyed listening to Jason's story about watching an apache obliterate some bad guys! Make sure to follow along at all the socials below, and keep coming back for more: