We Can All Rest Easy Tonight: Antique Weathervane Missing For 40 Years Returned
Ladies and gentlemen… we've got it.
The long national nightmare is officially over with news that an antique weathervane once atop a Vermont train station has been recovered after being stolen 40 years ago, and is now on its way home.
We can rest easy tonight…
The weathervane was made in 1910 and was part of the decor at White River Junction station. That was until November 3, 1983 — a day which will live in infamy — when it was stolen.
Which, by the way, who sees a weathervane and thinks, "I must steal that." I like weathervanes as much as the next guy, but not enough to steal someone else's weathervane. Even a really good weathervane like the kind with the rooster on top, which everyone knows is an elite weathervane.
Although, I can't remember the last time I even checked out a weathervane because 1). I don't usually need to know what direction the wind is coming from unless I'm golfing (and even then it wouldn't help me not shank it into a pond), and 2). if I need to know, I check an app.
But apparently, weathervanes still have some cache because someone recently tried to auction this weathervane at Sotheby's auction house and they realized that this weather vane was the weathervane.

An antique weathervane that went missing more than 40 years ago has been recovered, so now we can all rest easy. (Getty Images)
"We are delighted to see this valuable historic artifact and beautiful piece of art returned to its home here in Vermont," Judith Ehrlich — who serves as the Vermont Agency of Transportation's historic preservation officer — said in a statement per the Associated Press.
Well, I'm glad to hear there was a happy ending to this story. All of those other weathervane theft stories that you see on the news usually end in tragedy.