Ana Maria Marković - The World's Hottest Soccer Player - Checks In, A's Fans Raise Hell & Ric Flair Takes A Vicious Beating
How's the IG embed solution working for you guys?
Monday, Bruce A. stepped up for the greater good of this community. Here’s the solution that is working for Bruce.
I found a workaround for the IG pictures issue when using my iPhone. I go to Instagram, go to your page, hit the link to when the web page opens up go to Screencaps open it up and I can view all the pictures.I have using this for over a week and is works every time.
Go to my Instagram page. I have a beautiful link right to Outkick.

Click that Outkick link.
It takes you to the OutKick homepage.
Scroll down until you see Screencaps.
To the new Instagram followers, and there were nearly 100 yesterday, let's go over a few things:
• John H. (who might be checking in from Hawaii because he sent me an "Aloha") writes:
Joe, I switched my browser to Brave about a month ago, no problems. I’ve only used it for Outkick so not sure how it is otherwise. iPhone and iPad only.
I mow on Thursday.
If nothing is working, I've been told by dozens and dozens of readers they've switched to Brave. Try it.
• Warren M. writes:
It was great to read your recap of your guys golf trip in northern Michigan! My wife is from Western Michigan, and we will be traveling from Florida to that at the end of July and I cannot wait.
I was using the Firefox browser on my newest iPhone, fully updated, without too much trouble, but the Brave browser for iPhone is even better. Instagram images always show up, and if there’s an issue, I can just refresh and everything is there perfectly. Safari isn’t cutting it anymore, unfortunately. Brave browser works best.
Thank you for everything and take care!
10U house ball update
I'm going to make this quick: The boys won last night, we completed a perfectly executed relay to nail a kid at home plate who was trying for an inside-the-park homerun (on a legit bomb even with my outfielders playing back to where the 13-year-olds would play), the offense put the ball in play and the pitching staff was dominant in a 9-3 win.
I have to be honest, I've lost track of our record, but we're in first or second place because I got an alert from the league that we will send FIVE kids to the all-star game.
Guys, I've been banging my head against the wall trying to get the boys to understand relays and it finally clicked. It might be my proudest moment of the season so far.
I knew we were close to games looking like legitimate games and now with four regular season games remaining, we're there. Kids are sliding into bags. My kids who wouldn't swing at a ball all season are now putting it in play and my smallest kid lined one to short last night and got a standing ovation from the crowd even though the kid caught it.
We're playing ball!
Daddy Ball Report:
My boy had another legitimate double to right-center and had to slide into second to avoid a tag. It was his first slide of the season and it wasn't Mays-like. We could work on that. He also had a couple of nice defensive plays and remains steady. His passion for baseball is starting to show as his talent starts to build. He's wanting more success.
Pump the brakes, Baby Gronk dads.
He really enjoys playing with and against his buddies. Let us enjoy this.
Mark P. in Indiana was right about MY Reds
Looks like not only am I attending a Reds game this year, I'm buying the first round for Mark P. after this performance out of MY Reds. They're 7-3 over the last 10 and their road record is just a game under .500 after a brutal start.
This is absolutely nuts -- I actually took a look at the remaining strength of schedule for the Reds, which is .499. That's the 17th hardest remaining schedule in baseball. We're talking about a doable path in the race to September and I have to pinch myself just thinking about such a scenario.
Let's go to Piqua, OH where there's werewolf statue drama
I'm now receiving multiple messages from people around Dayton who know I need to see this from Piqua where I can't believe residents aren't allowed to keep werewolf statutes in their front yards. Here I thought the town should be worried more about meth.
I bet Huber Heights doesn't care if residents have werewolf statues.
The healing powers of Up North®
• Don S. in Lake Orion, MI writes:
I am a daily reader of Screencaps and recently joined the TNML this year after my lawn guy died. RIP Wulliam Olivich of Stoney Creek Landscaping . I figured after 6 years of service to my own customers in the lawn care industry I'd let Bill handle it going forward. 5 lawns a day 6 days a week to pay for my college education = lifetime exemption?
Anyway, I am back behind the mower and slaying it.
Been reading about your Up North Michigan stuff and had to weigh in. We have been going to an area known as Leelanau Peninsula for 40-plus years. Please don't tell anyone since we don't want any more outsiders crowding up our sacred places.
I had a landmark Birthday in April. The big six oh. Makes you stop a minute and look around at your peers. Bill died in April at 60 as did a other peer in Steve Clemens. Honestly not super surprised about Bill's passing. He worked his ass off in his lawn care business. Reality is its not a game that most guys our age should be playing. Steve on the other hand was very fit and well conditioned runner. Yet like Bill he died from a heart attack. Earlier this year my best buddy texted me that he too had just suffered a heart attack. Thankfully he is lucky and fully recovered. All that to say you gotta live your life. Moderation and balance is key. You don't need to drink the whole case! 3 or 4 is good. One good cigar a month and not one a day.
Anyway, my kids surprised me with a charter fishing trip for my big 6 oh. Little did I know that when I was reaching out to Captain Bill Stepheson to inquire about a charter trip this summer my kids had already booked it. Captain Bill retired from his family business in downstate Michigan and jumped head first into buying a charter fishing vessel in a across known as Fish Town in Leland, Michigan. Honestly, it's a storybook town and dream come true for FishBilly (FishBilly Charters of Leeland).
I will leave it here and share some pics of our 120 lb haul for the day. Captain Bill put is right over these huge Lake Michigan Trout and we all reached our limit in no time. My Daughter Amanda won the trophy reeling in this 20 lb beast.
Today I am Theripudically correct thanks to the fams surprise trip to Up North Michigan.
SLAY... code language my kids have taught me.

Too late, Don. I wrote all about the Leelanau Peninsula like two months ago when Owen B. wanted suggestions for his trip from Atlanta to Up North®, but it turns out Owen was looking for information for over the bridge, Up North®. More on that in a minute.
Let's stop and take a look at Don's smile for a minute. Look at how happy he is to have the kids with him. I'm not sure if they're all his kids, but there are definitely Don S. offspring in those photos. The guy has worked his ass off for years and all he wanted to do was go slay the Lake Michigan lake trout out of one of America's great fishing ports.
Good for Don. Good for his family.
We should all strive to get as happy as Don this summer.
Owen B.'s report from really far Up North®
Remember when I got yelled at for not giving Owen B. (it wasn't Owen B. yelling at me, BTW) true Up North® advice?
Well Owen B. is back to Georgia from his romantic getaway with a report:
Glad to hear your trip to Northern Michigan went well. My wife and I throughly enjoyed the Upper Peninsula - we made it to Mackinac Island, Tahquemenon Falls, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, and Marquette. Truly God’s country and good folks up there. We appreciated the recommendations from the SC community and highly recommend a few places:

Olivia Casta
• John L. writes:
Joe, can we please discuss Olivia Casta? She is a lovely young woman, with very large breasts, that she is pleased to show off. It seems like Olivia just puts on a nice outfit and sits down in her living room for some pictures.
No need to fly off to Phuket, the Maldives, Cabo San Lucas, or the like for a photoshoot. Her lack of any props seems to be a unique approach among the IG pinups.
All I can say, John L., is Olivia Casta never posts videos that I know of. Be very, very cautious. There's still an active investigation into whether Casta is an AI creation. That's why I continue to post Casta. I want the community to either vote her off the island or confirm that she's actually living and breathing.
Guys, you have to weigh in here. If you present enough evidence Casta is AI, she's getting the boot.
That's it. Gotta run. It's another day of blogging and we're right back to it tonight with the 10U team -- under the lights! Let's see how they perform under the bright lights.
The birds are chirping. We received a great dump of rain last night. The sun is out. The plants are poppin'. It's going to be a beautiful June day.
Have a great one.