Pure Pandemonium As Clemson Student Drains Full-Court Putt For $10k, Crowd Goes Bonkers

$10,000 goes a very, very long way for a college student, and one Clemson freshman will have to decide what to do with that money. Kevin Murphy's bank account will have a few extra zeros after he drained the putt of a lifetime on Saturday.

Murphy, in the first month of his second semester, decided to attend the Tigers' home game against the Virginia Tech Hokies. Little did he know that it would change his life.

At some point during the first half, he was pulled out of the stands by the athletic department's marketing team. Murphy was selected to participate in a promotional stunt for Roto-Rooter at halftime.

The concept was simple: make a putt, win $10k.

While that may sound easy, the putt was to take place on the hardwood and required him to put the ball inside a small hole from the length of the entire court, which is 94 feet long. To make things even harder, Murphy had never golfed a day in his life, so he didn't really know what he was doing in terms of speed and distance.

It didn't matter at Clemson on Saturday.

With ice in his veins, Murphy stepped up to the baseline, lined up his putt, and let it rip.

The roll looked pretty good out of the gates. And then it just kept getting better.

As it crept closer and closer, the entire building held its collective breath until— IT WENT IN! Littlejohn Coliseum went absolutely bonkers and Murphy lost his mind.

Here is another look at the remarkable roll:

It is unclear as to whether the $10,000 is paid out in cash or in tuition money. Either way, Murphy's decision to stop by Clemson's exhilarating, one-point win over Virginia Tech on Saturday was one of the better decisions he has ever made.

To put Murphy's putt in perspective, the average 30-rack of Natty Light runs about $20. He can purchase 15,000 beers with his winnings!