Brittney Griner Faces Horrific Conditions In Russian Prison

Brittney Griner will face incredibly inhumane conditions in Russian prison as she waits to be sent back to America.

The WNBA star was sentenced to nine years in Russian prison after a show trial on drug charges. While President Biden has vowed to get her back, there appears to be very little movement on that front.

Judging from the experience of former Russian prison and American Marine Trevor Reed, she's in for a brutal time in the penal colony she'll sit and wait in.

Brittney Griner faces a horrific experience.

"To a certain extent, you’re starved just by the food that they give you. We didn’t show any public photos of my son for about a month and a half because he looked like a concentration camp victim," Trevor's father Joey explained to the New York Post. He added the penal colonies are "gulags" from before Stalin was even in charge of the Soviet Union.

The food was mostly potato soup with "crunchy bones" that was so bad stray cats wouldn't eat it, according to Trevor's father.

He added that there's "no real health value to the food" Griner and other inmates will be served.

There's also the very real possibility Griner won't even be aware of what's happening to her as she's shipped around.

"They don’t know where they are and they don’t know where they’re going — and often aren’t told until their arrival. Prisoners are being functionally disappeared for days or weeks in the prison system," Amnesty International USA’s advocacy director for Europe and Central Asia Daniel Balson told the New York Post.

More than anything, there's no doubt the United States must get Griner back. Whether she had hash oil or not, she's 100% being used as a bargaining chip. Given the fate she now faces in Putin's prison system, it sounds like she's in for a brutal time.

It's an unfortunate reminder that places outside of the USA can be very terrible places.

Let's all hope Brittney Griner returns sooner than later. This whole situation has gone on far too long, and it must end.

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David Hookstead is a reporter for OutKick covering a variety of topics with a focus on football and culture. He also hosts of the podcast American Joyride that is accessible on Outkick where he interviews American heroes and outlines their unique stories. Before joining OutKick, Hookstead worked for the Daily Caller for seven years covering similar topics. Hookstead is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin.